Chapter 35: The Note

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Charlotte's Point of View

"Michael," I shake him "Michael, wake up...Do you hear that?"

He moves and rubs his eyes..."No, what do you hear?"

"A scream...Like a little boy crying..." I gulp

"It's probably the twins.."

"No is not, their fast asleep...I-I'm gonna go check it out"

I jump out of bed and wrap myself in a bathrobe and go sounds like the sound is coming from Cameron's house...

"Michael...Come here!!" I yell from downstairs

He comes running down the stairs a few minutes later "What?"

I look deeply into his eyes "Were gonna have to go to Cameron's house...That's were the sound is coming from.."

"At 3:00 a.m?? Are you insane?..He's probably asleep..." He rolls his eyes

"Michael, I have to find out what that sound is...I don't care how mad you are at him for what he did on our wedding...I need to find out..."

He sighs "Fine...You are just super lucky that I love you because if I didn't I wouldn't be doing this"

I giggle lightly and hug him..

He grabs my hand and we go walking to Cameron's house...The high pitched scream seems to be coming closer...

We get there and I hear something behind the door...Is that?..Cameron crying?

I knock on the door a few times before Cameron opens the door with tears in his eyes...

"C-Cameron, W-what's wrong?" I gulp

"S-She killed herself" He tries to talk

"Who the hell killed herself?"

"Just come in..I'll explain"

He sniffs and he goes inside...Michael grabs my hand again and we both go inside Cameron's house

Wait...What is Raymond doing here?

"S-She left a note..." Cameron says as he sits down

He gives me the note and I read out loud:

'I'm writing this because I am tired of life, just plain tired...I'm not happy..I never was...I know I'm a girl with a lot of issues...I was a psycho, Duh...Umm...My love life?..Well that was the most hardest thing for me...A boy, left me for another...It left me a real deep scar in my heart...I tried everything to get him back...His initials are M.J...I had a wonderful daughter named Chelsea with a wonderful man named Cameron, but I was never capable of being a responsible mom..then, I got first I thought it was M.J's kid but it wasn't...I really got heart broken by it, because I have always loved him...Charlotte, if you are reading this...I wanna tell you how sorry I am, just for everything...For killing your brother, Ryan...For seducing your man...I left Raymond outside Cameron's house before I wrote this...I want somebody to leave him at the Orphanage...I'm really sorry for everything...I don't want nobody to feel blamed or guilty for my death, Please


Stephanie E.'

Everybody stayed silence when I finished reading the note...I really couldn't talk...

"M.J..Michael Jackson...I-I K-killed her" Michael whispers

Michael is crying, Cameron is too, Raymond is screaming softly...I really feel like crying too...

I hug Michael and Cameron "Guys, I know y'all are sad because of what just happened...But, right now we can't blame nobody for her death...It was her decision..She even said she didn't want anybody to feel blamed or guilty..."

"W-What about Raymond?" Cameron asks

"I think I know who can adopt him...But for now, I think he should stay with you, Cameron.."

I look over to Michael, his eyes filled with sadness...

"Cameron, Is 3:00 in the morning, I think me and Michael should be going now..."

I take Michael out the house and we walk in silence...

"Michael, look at me"

He looks at me.."I-I Killed her"

"No Michael, you didn't killed her...She decided to kill herself..."

"Stephanie killed herself because of me, because I left her to be with you..Is my fault...IS MY DAMN FAULT!!"

I sigh...

We go into our house...

"Charlotte...I did kill her...I really did..."

"Michael, no you didn't...Stop blaming everything on is actually my fault because, you left her because of me"

He grabs my face "Like you said, she didn't want nobody blaming or feeling guilty for her death...Plus she said life itself killed her.."

I hug him "I love you"

"I love you too, baby"

"Michael, I don't like to see you blaming everything on you...Like for Kennedy's death or Stephanie's death...It's in the past now, like my parents death or my brother's death...I can't do anything about it now"

Michael's Point of View

Charlotte looks down, I lift up her chin and kiss her jawline "I'm sorry for everything that happened...Let's go to bed now"


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