Chapter 2: The New Student

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Charlotte's Point of View


The new student is so freaking cute..I can't stop staring at him...Mrs. White just told him to seat at a desk...Which desk did she say? I didn't listen because I was looking at him...Me and Lindsay are sitting in a group of 4 desks...There is this other boy sitting in front of Lindsay and there Is a open space in front of me..What if Mrs. White chooses that desk for him to seat there? God..that would be like heaven..

"Michael..You could go seat in front of Charlotte..." Mrs. White says as she walks Michael over here...

Damn...His seating in front of me...Am I blushing? I think I am...Why am I blushing? Calm down Charlotte..You just met the guy..Michael sits in front of me and he looks at me and gives me a warm smile...His smile...Dang...His teeth are so damn white!! His smile is...what's the word I'm looking for? Hmm..Perfect..Yeah that describes his smile...I can't focus on school right now...All I am focused on is on him...Charlotte stop staring..He would think you are weird...His caramel skin, his black curls, his big dark eyes..Damn he is such a babe..He starts talking to me...God..His voice is like a angel..

"Hey...I'm Michael Jackson...And you are?

"I'm..I'm Charlotte..Smith" I say as my hands start sweating and I start blushing..

"What a beautiful name..." He says as he smiles...

"Thank You" I say as I look over to the board..

After 3 boring hours of class..Is time to go to lunch..The only thing that wasn't boring is that I talked to Michael..That was perfect! I am starving...We start walking and then get to the cafeteria..I get my food and sit beside Lindsay..

"So you have been talking to the new boy..huh?" Lindsay asks me as she gives me a little wink

"His name is Michael..and yes I have been talking to him..Is that bad?" I say as I start laughing..

"No..Is not bad..Girl, just accept it..You like the guy..I've seen your eyes when you see or talk to him..You have that sparkle in your eye.."

"Maybe I do, Maybe I don't.."

Then I see Cameron walking by..Nooo! I can't see him right now...I might punch the lights out of him...Then he sits in front of Lindsay...Damn it...Great!

"Hey Charlotte..How are you" He says as he looks at me..

"You got 3 damn seconds to get the hell out of here or I'll punch your lights out...1....2.." I say as I look down..

"Alright, Alright...I'll call you later..I gotta talk to you" He says as he leaves..

Thank you..He left...Lindsay is laughing because of what I just said..Is not that funny well it is kinda funny *chuckles* But I was serious...Then I see Michael coming..*dreamy sight* Now that's a sight for sore eyes..

"Hey Michael..This is my best friend Lindsay...Lindsay this is Michael" I say as I introduce them 2.

We start talking and talking..Thank god Cameron left before Michael arrived..I didn't want that Michael felt uncomfortable with Cameron here...Cameron might've created a scene...Lunch time ended quickly...We got back to the class and continued class...It was 2:00 p.m..class ended at 2:30 p.m because it was a early dismissal...I am glad!

Michael's Point of View

We just came back to class...I admit Charlotte is really cute...But I wonder if she even considers on liking a boy like me...A girl like her should already have a boyfriend...But is cool that she talks to me...class should end in about 30 minutes...thank god! 30 minutes pass faster than the speed of light...I am packing my stuff and then I look at Charlotte which is doing the same thing...

"Students, You are gonna be assigned a partner for a project that you are gonna have to do based on a event that happened in history, like the Civils Rights Movement, or based on a character that inspires you..Like Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder or somebody that inspires you. I would like you to write a 2 page essay explaining the person's life or event...*bell rings* There goes the bell..Have a good day everyone..and the essay is due on Friday, which leaves you 4 days to do..." Mrs. White says to the whole class...

So everyone leaves except me and Charlotte and other kids..

"Charlotte and Michael...Can I see you all for a second?" Mrs. White says to me and Charlotte

Me and Charlotte go to Mrs. White desk..Which is filled with papers...Dang being a teacher sounds stressful but I kinda like the job.

"Charlotte, We all know that Michael is new in this class so I would like you to work with him on the project...Would that be okay?" Mrs. White says..

"Sure Mrs. White.." Charlotte says..

We leave and I take my own path...Okay..So me and Charlotte would need to think of a project to do...I go home..My parents are in another house visiting some old friends..Then my phone starts ringing..who could it be? I look at the display..

Is Charlotte...*dreamy sight*

Just You And Me (A Michael Jackson Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें