Harry eats too much

Start from the beginning

"I don't feel good," he whined.

I signed. I really wanted to tell him that's what he gets for eating too much candy, but I know that'd only make him feel worse. He turns into a baby when he's sick, so I have to treat this situation carefully.

"I know baby, we're almost there," i answered. I really wanted to make fun of him, sorry it's in my nature, but I knew why he ate all that candy.

He really didn't want to be at that party. We hadn't been allowed to even be in the same city for over three weeks and it'd been really hard.

Especially for Harry. He gets separation anxiety really bad sometimes. So naturally,the first day we're back together, he just wants to hang out at home. (I have a house in LA) But instead, I get invited to a party.

The party was hosted by some good friends of mine and I felt like I needed to go. So I had to drag Harry with me because my friends are always wanting to meet my boyfriend. I mean they've heard a lot about him over the past five years.

I finally pulled into our, I mean my, driveway. I guess I kind of think of it as our house. Anyways, I put the car in park and unbuckled my seatbelt, before reaching over to undo Harry's as well.

"We here?" He slurred, sounding almost drunk, even though I knew he wasn't.

"Yeah, hang on I gotcha," I said, getting out of the car and hurrying around to his side. I opened the door as Harry pushed himself up into a sitting position and turned to face me in his seat.

"Let's go inside," I said in a hushed voice, guiding my arm around his shoulders and helping him get out of the car.

Together, we slowly walked up the sidewalk and crossed the porch to my house. I got my key out and unlocked the door as he continued to lean on me, both of his hands gripping his stomach.

"You wanna lay down, get medicine, or take a bath?" I asked as I shut the door behind us.

"Bath," he answered.

"Okay," I nodded, leading him towards the bathroom. "Sit down," I instructed, motioning to the counter once we got there.

I turned on the tap and adjusted the water until it was a good temperature. Then I closed the drain to let the bath tub begin filling up.

He sat down, holding his tummy and hunching over, his face screwed up in pain. I gently removed his hands, and pressed my own hand to his stomach, rubbing it in circles.

At the same time, I began unbuttoning his shirt with my other hand. Once I got to the bottom of the buttons, I had to practically peel the thing off due to how sweaty it was. Poor thing must really feel awful.

Then I unzipped his slacks and pulled them over his hips and down his legs. All the while, I continued to rub his aching stomach, in hopes to make him feel a little better. After pulling off his boxers, I quickly undressed myself, then grabbed two towels and set them beside the tub.

"C'mon sweetie," I urged, grabbing his bicep to pull him towards the bath.

I climbed in first, then helped him shakily step in, his hands griping my arms like he didn't trust himself to stay standing. I sunk down to the floor, pulling him with me.

I leaned back against the wall and wrapped my arms around Harry, pulling him to rest in between my legs. He leaned his head back against my shoulder tiredly.

I reached out and grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured some into my hand. Then I started running my fingers through his hair.

"Close your eyes," I said softly, pressing my hand to his forehead to block his eyes as I poured water over him. Once I'd washed all of the soap out, I brought both of my hands down to rest on his stomach.

He sighed contentedly, turning his head towards me to press his face into my neck. I pressed a kiss to his forehead as I traced patterns over his skin.

I continued doing this for a while, until Harry started shivering. I hadn't noticed the water getting cold, but I suppose it's probably time to get out.

"You okay?" I asked, stilling my hands.

"C-cold," he stuttered.

"Oh hun, why didn't you say so. Come on let's get out," I said. I wish he would've told me he was cold and then we could've gotten out earlier.

I placed my hands on his hips and pushed him up until he was standing. Then I grabbed the towel and exposed it around him. Then I got out and grabbed my own towel. I carefully dried us both off before climbing out of the tub.

"I'll go get some clothes," I told him, walking back to my room and grabbing two pairs of boxers, a pair of sweats he'd left here a while back, and a pair of shorts and t-shirt for myself.

"I'm tired," he mumbled when I reentered the bathroom.

"We can sleep as soon as we get dressed," I assured him as I held his hand. He used me for balance as he stepped into his shorts and sweats. Then he leaned up against the door while I put my clothes on.

I pulled his hands to rest on my hips before heading down the hallway. He followed behind me, basically just letting me drag him.

I crawled into my bed and pulled him down on top of me. As soon as he got settled with his head on my chest and his hand fisted in my t-shirt, I pulled the covers up to his waist.

Then I laid one hand on his back, and rested my other hand on his wrist, just kind of holding him. He squirmed around a little bit, curling in on himself.

"Your stomach still hurt?" I asked.

"Less," he shrugged.

"Think you'll be able to fall asleep?" I asked.

"Mmm," he mumbled, probably too tired to answer.

"I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll feel better in the morning," I assured him, kissing his forehead.

"Thanks lou," he slurred.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I like taking care of you. Just feel better and know I love you," i whispered.

"L'you too," he muttered incoherently.

I smiled down at him. Now that he was relaxed and not in pain he looked so peaceful and pretty. He's adorable when he sleeps.


Okay so I'm thinking about making a supernatural one shots book. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on that? Also do you know any good Samxdean one shot books. I don't want smut, or like samxreader or deanxreader but just like Sam and Dean fluff.

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