"I have, actually." She nods down at her tray. "But, I was kinda being a dick to him." She sighs and Peter looks back at her. "And I feel really bad about it. He was just gonna help but didn't really get to."

"I'm sure he's forgiven you." Peter grins softly while Ned holds down a smile.

"Really?" She hopes with a nervous smile.

"Yeah." He shrugs. "I mean, why not? You must've been in a stressful situation. It's understandable that you'd be a little upset. And besides, if he didn't get to then it must've been you, right?"

"Yeah." She chuckles with a grin.

"He probably thought whatever you did was really cool." He shrugs again.

"I hope so." She looks down at her hands in her lap.

He watches her with a grin while Ned fails to hold down the bright and amazed smile.

Satine's head pops up when she feels the seat beside her adjust to see 'Flash' sitting there with a smirk. Peter and Ned look at each other and sigh, thinking she's gonna walk off with him.

"Hey, Satine." Flash wiggles his brows.

"Hi." She confusedly furrows her brows.

"What're you doing over here with them?" He motions to the boys and they roll their eyes. "You could come sit with me."

"Mm, no, thank you." She shakes her head with a fake grin and he furrows his brows. "I'm perfectly fine where I am."

"Suit yourself." He gets up and walks away.

She watches with a grimace while Peter and Ned smile.

"Guessing, he's a bully." She turns to them.

"Yep." Peter shakes his head while picking at his fries.

"Ah, he's your bully." She nods and he sighs. "Got it. Welp, time to beat somebody's ass." She stands.

"What?" He quickly lifts his head. "No, no, no." He puts his hands up to stop her.

She chuckles with a smile and sits back down, making him sigh in relief while shaking his head with a smirk.

"That's a horrible idea."

"I think it's a great idea." She smirks at him. "Teach a bitch a lesson."

Ned puts his hand up to her and she chuckles before giving him a high-five.


It has finally hit the last hour of the day and Satine has just walked through the door of her chemistry class.

"You following me?" Peter jokes as he steps in beside her.

"Oh, my God." She chuckles. "Where do you sit?"

He smiles and leads her ahead with Ned behind. She takes the seat behind Peter as the bell rings and Ms. Cobbwell walks in.

Thankfully, she doesn't waste time and introduce Satine and instead gets right into the lesson.

Satine looks at Peter while listening to what Cobbwell says and sees a messy notebook on his desk. She focuses on it with curiosity to see that it's literally the formula to his webs. Her brows instantly raise before calming them and looking around to make sure no one saw. She shakes her head while covering her grin by her hand and looking to the front to make it seem she was paying attention the whole time.


"Hey, guys." Peter walks into the common room.

"Hey, Peter." Nat greets.

"We have a new student. The girl from last night."

"Oh, you mean, the girl that kicked your ass by kicking their asses?" Sam smirks while they all smile.

Peter freezes in place and looks at Tony with an unamused face. He puts his hands up in surrender while holding down a laugh and he shakes his head.

"Yes." He sits in an armchair. "She's in my first and last class and chose to sit with me at lunch." He grins with attitude.

"Oh, well, look at you." Sam continues. "Oh, big man. Finally getting a girls attention."

"That's amazing." Bucky smirks.

"She pretty?" Nat shakes her head while joining in on the teasing.

"Yes." He nods and they chuckle.

"Peter's got a crush." Thor sings.

"Okay, you know what?" He stands. "I'm leaving."

"Ah, no, don't do that." Tony chuckles.

"Goodbye." He exits the room, leaving them to smile behind him.

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