While {its} = possessive, belonging to someone or something 

Suggestions could be...

{"If he doesn't have time for breakfast, then I might as well not eat."} 

{"Wait, Adrien! Please finish your breakfast as it's necessary."} 

Character Development/ Plot -

(Chapter One) 

I had to read this chapter several times to comprehend what was going on. 

There's a magical box that belonged to Master Fu, which has been passed down to Marinette for her to disguise and open. 

From this, we abruptly take a turn as she starts talking about her love for Adrien. It seems like a lot of the other characters are in love with Marinette, too. (Luka and Chat Noir). She is losing her friends over this love triangle because she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but she doesn't want to lose anyone either. 

It's sweet that after this, she still remembers how much Chat noir means to her. A best friend, maybe? 

And Kagami likes Adrien, but Adrien likes Ladybug. Gosh 😅

(Chapter Two) 

I feel sad for Adrien because all he wants is to spend time with his father, but his father is always busy. 

Marinette is a lovely friend, and when she found out that Adrien hadn't eaten breakfast, she gives him some doughnuts to make him feel better. I'm thinking she wishes they were more than just friends, though. 

Adrien's cousin, Coral, comes to stay. She doesn't know anything about Adrien's true identity. I'm wondering how he will be able to keep his identity a secret. 

(Chapter Three) 

I did mention that I'm confused about Coral. Is she Adrien's cousin or Adrien's sister? You keep mentioning 'his sister,' but I don't know whose sister you are referring to. If you mean the father's sister, then Coral would be Adrien's aunt. But I think in the previous chapter or earlier you mentioned that Coral is his cousin. 

I agree with Alya. If she has feelings for Adrien, she should tell him and not string Luka along. I'm not sure how I feel about her antics about trying to fall in love with Luka. Love doesn't happen like that. Poor Luka will just get hurt. 

It can be quite confusing as so much happens in this chapter, and for somebody that doesn't understand the story, the characters and the fanfic, it's like jumping from one thing to the other. 

(Chapter Four) 

I'm still surprised as to why Coral is attending high school if she is a fashion designer or relatively famous. This girl doesn't need studies 😅

I realised from previous comments that others are also confused about the brother/sister thing. Perhaps you could clarify this somewhere that they are actually cousins but they call each other brother/sister. It's so confusing otherwise. Or can't they call each other cuz (cousin)? 

(Chapter Five) 

Marinette and Luka go clothes shopping. It's clear he likes her and I can't help but feel sorry that he is getting led on. Their interaction is cute, though. 

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