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Text"Are you positive you know where he might be?" You questioned, looking up at Suna as you tied your shoes

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"Are you positive you know where he might be?" You questioned, looking up at Suna as you tied your shoes. Suna impatiently nodded, grabbing his keys from his pocket. He was eager to go after Hiro with no remorse. Like a predator hunting for its prey. Hiro has tried to ruin things between you and Suna for quite some time now From trying to steal his spot at his job, to flirting with you and trying to break you and Suna up, to constantly flirting with you and making snarky comments.

Hiro had no respect for you or Suna. He knew from the beginning you and him were in a relationship. If he thought you were going to leave Suna for him anytime soon, he was utterly wrong. It was embarrassing to see him try this hard. He practically wanted to be Suna. From what you could tell, it seems like Hiro is jealous and insecure. He envied Suna in the worst way possible. He's an egotistical maniac.

"Come on." Suna grabbed your hand, rushing towards the car. You barely had time to catch your balance, nearly tripping over your own feet. Suna walked around the other side of the car, hopping into the driver's seat while you quickly opened the passenger door and got it. 'Min, I think you should calm down a little bit before you start driving." You said in a soft tone, watching as he stuck the key into the ignition and started the car. 'I'm fine."

Personally, you didn't think beating the hell out of Hiro was going to do a single thing. He would most likely take it as a sign that he's getting into Suna's head and messing with him. But, knowing Suna, he wouldn't dare to listen to anything you had to say right now.

He quickly drove down the street, zooming past other cars. Your eyes widened, noticing you forgot to put your seatbelt on. Hands fumbling around to find it, you quickly grabbed it and brought the strap over your chest, clicking it into place. As you glanced over at Suna, he had this look on his face. It was a look you saw right before he punched Aran in the hallway at school.

Looking back towards the road, you noticed you were going down the street that led towards the club. You were afraid that Suna was going to make a scene and possibly lose his job, something that he didn't need right now He was already pissed enough as it is. "Rin, are we heading to the dub?" You questioned, slowly turning your head. He didn't speak a word, one hand on his lap while the other gripped the steering wheel tightly.

He was holding it so firmly that you could see the whites of his knuckles forming on his skin. Suna clenched his jaw, taking a left turn towards the dub. Well, there's your answer. He slowed down as he turned into a parking space, immediately putting the car in park and taking the key out. He wasted no time in getting out of the car, not even waiting for you. "Rin, wait!" You shouted, but he didn't stop.

You struggled with your seatbelt before managing to get it off and opening the door, chasing after him. 'For fucks sake, will you slow down?" You groaned, walking beside him into the strip dub. The music played loudly as it always did, the dark atmosphere succumbing around you while male strippers danced on stage and thrived off their cheers. Glasses clinked together and friends chatted with each other, laughing, giggling, and making comments about the guys. "Ah, Suna-"

"Is Hiro here?" Suna spoke, the words flying right out of his mouth with no hesitation. The bouncer shook his head, "he just left home about ten minutes ago." He blinked, confused. Suna nodded, grabbing your hand once more turning back to walk out the door. "Rin, slow the fuck down before I catch a goddamn cramp in my leg or some shit!" You said through gritted teeth.

Suna let go of your hand as you reached the car, both of you getting in. Only this time, Suna didn't rush to get on the road and speed towards Hiro's house. "What are you gonna do?" You looked at him, watching as he started the car. He ran his hands down his face, letting out an exhausted and frustrated sigh.

"What do you think I'm gonna do?"


Suna cruised down a small street, gently pressing on the break as the both of you sat in front of Hiro's house. It was a two-story house, gray stone, driveway, small plants that decorated the front yard, and four windows. Two at the top and two at the bottom. "Come on." Suna quietly spoke, his voice a little calmer than last time.

As you got out of the car, you trailed behind him, following his footsteps up to the front door. Suna rang the doorbell, the sound heard from outside the house. Hiro had to be home. Who else's car was that in the driveway? There was nothing but tension and silence in the air before the locks could be heard being undone from behind the door. You grew nervous, eager to see who was on the other side.

"Suna, what a pleasant surprise. I wanted to talk to you today-" Suna pushed Hiro back into the house causing Hiro to trip and stumble back onto the floor. You didn't say and word and followed Suna inside, closing and locking the door behind you. Suna just stared down at Hiro, a stoic expression on his face. Hiro looked at you, furrowing his brows as he stood to his feet.

"Did you show up on my doorstep, looking for me, but started flirting with my girl?" Suna asked, catching Hiro's attention. Hiro said nothing in response as Suna stared directly into his eyes. 'Tm not gonna fucking ask you again. Answer the question." Suna spoke sternly. "I did, and so the fuck what?" Hiro laughed, a smug look on his face. "Did you touch her too?" Suna raised a brow.

Hiro let out a chuckle, nodding his head, "all I did was touch under her chin. Quit being dramatic. I mean, if she was my girl I would've been touching a lot more." Hiro smirked at Suna. He wasn't taking anything seriously. He never does. It was a waste of time. "Rin, let's just leave he dearly isn't taking shit seriously."

Hiro looked over at you, frowning, "leaving me already, sweetheart?" Hiro asked in a soft tone completely ignoring the presence of Suna. Suna quickly punched Hiro, hitting him directly on his nose. Hiro fell back to the floor again, groaning in pain as blood trickled down. "Keep fucking around with me, Hiro. Don't talk to her, look at her or do anything that involves her, or I'll fuck you up!" Suna sternly shouted.

It seemed as though Hiro wasn't up for a fight, still laying on the floor holding his nose and groaning in pain. He looked up at Suna, his eyes full of anger and pain. "One hell of a punch." Hiro groaned, laughing through the pain. "Stay the fuck on the floor, little bitch." Suna looked at Hiro one last time before turning towards the door and opening it, ready to head back home.

" Suna looked at Hiro one last time before turning towards the door and opening it, ready to head back home

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