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Text"I'm not gonna be able to give you a ride home

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"I'm not gonna be able to give you a ride home. My mom wants me to come visit her because all my loud and annoying ass cousins are coming over." Haru rolled his eyes as he stood up from his chair, grabbing his belongings off the desk. You needed a ride home from Haru because it was raining and your apartment was like twenty minutes away. Now, you'd just have to get soaked while walking home.

You didn't have an umbrella or even a sweater with a hood on it, just your luck. This somehow always happens to you and then you end up getting sick. "It's okay." You and Haru walked elbow to elbow beside one another. "You know I would if I could, but you also know my mom is crazy!" He laughed causing you to chuckle.

Recalling the moments when you were both younger, his mom was crazy. She would chase y'all around the house if came home past curfew, she locked Haru out the house once and he had to drive to your place. It was funny thinking it about now. "Maybe try and stay after school until the rain stops?" Haru suggested as you both stood at the exit of the school. "Yeah, sounds like the best idea." You stared out at the pouring rain, looking as battered down on the windows, cars and pavement.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and goodluck with Suna." Haru teased, pulling at your cheeks. You slapped his hand away and shook your head with a small smile. "Go!" You laughed. "Pray for me." Haru joked right before he pushed open the door and ran out to his car, the rain immediately hitting his skin and absorbing in the fabric of his clothing.

You sighed and leaned against then wall, throwing your head back as you body slowly slid down and plopped onto the floor. You just sat there, waiting for the rain to stop, whenever that was. You just pulled out your phone and clicked on the weather app, seeing that rain wasn't stopping until ten tonight.

"Son of a bitch." You mumbled, closing the app. You would text your mom, but you knew she was at work right now and she tells you every time that she is not able to leave unless it's a very serious emergency. Of course one time you told her to lie just so she could pick you up, but she didn't think it was very funny and gave you a whole boring lecture on why you shouldn't lie.

"Yo." You looked up to see a boy standing in front of you. His brown skin and shaved head with big brown eyes. You recognized him, he was one of Suna's friends. "Yo...?" You said back, confused as to why he was just looking at you. "I recognized you from lunch. You were sitting at the table across from me, right?" He sat down beside you, making you shoot him a weird look. "I think so."

"My bad, I'm Aran by the way." He smiled. "I'm y/n." You smiled back, being friendly and greeting him. "Aran!" You looked to your left to see Suna walking down the hall, his hands stuffed in his pockets with a blank expression written on his face. You looked away from him and just opened up your phone, pretending like neither of them were there. "What are you doing?" Suna asked.

"I was just talking to Ms. y/n before you rudely interrupted me." Aran looked up at Suna with a sarcastic smile. "Haha very funny, get your ass up." Suna demanded him. It sounded like he was angry, maybe even jealous. "What's your problem? I was just tryna have a talk with a very pretty girl." Aran stated, clearly trying to flatter you.

"I don't have a problem, but you just left Atsumu and Osamu back there when they said they needed to talk to you." Suna looked down at Aran. "Whatever." Aran stood up and walked past Suna, bumping shoulders with him. You watched him as he walked down the hall, disappearing from your sight. "Beautiful?"

You looked up Suna, your eyes following his figure as he bent down towards your height. "May I help you?" You asked, looking at him with a stoic expression. "Don't be so rude, baby. I just wanted to know why you're sitting here all by yourself."

You pointed towards the exit of the school, Suna turning his head to look at it. "The rain," you sighed. "I don't have a ride or an umbrella, so I'm gonna have to walk home in it soon." You rolled your eyes, just dreading the feelings of soaked shoes and clothes on your skin. "Come on, I'll give you a ride." Suna grabbed your hand, helping you to your feet. "Really?"

"Of course." He smiled at you. Both of you ran out the exit of the school, trying to avoid the pouring, cold rain as much as possible. "Hurry!" You laughed as Suna struggled to unlock the car. "Get in!" You opened the door and quickly hopping into the seat, shutting the door behind you. "I'm soaked!" You looked at your clothes, drenched in rain water. "So am I!" You looked at Suna, both of you laughing at how ridiculous you two looked. "Let's take you home."

𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄:I really need to make an aran fic

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I really need to make an aran fic...

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 ᝰ 𝑺𝑼𝑵𝑨 𝑹.Where stories live. Discover now