I still want you {Book Two}

Start from the beginning

I don't quite know why Tyler is doing all of this when he was so upset about Vanessa and Gabriel. Is he trying to marry her to keep her all to himself like a possessive dog bone? And I can't believe she is actually thinking through this, especially after the term agreement. 

(Chapter Two)

They both clearly lust for each other, but I really can't help but wonder why? How? Vanessa is hurt and angry, yet she still thinks about Tyler in a romantic way just two months after he cheated on her. And Tyler pines for Vanessa, yet he was convinced that Vanessa was cheating on him and that she was a liar... their behaviour and actions don't make sense. I think maybe the issue here is the pacing. Things are happening too quickly and it's like they are acting as if nothing happened in the last two months. 

(Chapter Three) 

I'm surprised that Tyler let Vanessa talk to the pilot since he does get easily jealous. I know it's in the contract that she can talk to whomever she wants, but I get the impression Tyler is on edge because he can't control her. 

I feel like Tyler is confused, and in turn, so am I. One minute he is admiring her beauty, tucking her under a duvet, and then the next he gets angry and reflects on the idea of her cheating. Why doesn't he talk to Vanessa and tell her why he is angry? That's what I would have done - I can't go one hour without telling my husband when I'm angry. I'm surprised they both have lasted two months with anger and resentment for each other. That's pretty exhausting for their health. 

(Chapter Four) 

I legit want Noah and Vanessa to end up together. At least he respects her feelings and doesn't hurt her. 

They are married now. So why did Tyler marry Vanessa if he keeps seeing Amber? Doesn't that make him the cheater? 

So Tyler is allowed to have fun with Amber, but Vanessa isn't allowed to be close to Noah. They definitely need to have a talk and clear the air with the misunderstandings, otherwise things will keep escalating. 

(Chapter Five)

So much happened in this chapter, and I'm loving it. I love the conflict and drama. Finally, Tyler confronts Vanessa about cheating, and although some of the misunderstandings are put out into the open, it doesn't really answer any questions. Tyler is a childish man with a plan for revenge to ruin Vanessa's life for 'cheating' on him, which until now, has no proof that she did anything he is accusing her of. 

It's annoying that Vanessa still loves Tyler after everything he has said and done. 

Overall Enjoyment - 

I think it's clear to say that I don't like Tyler. He is the only character I can't stand because he is so vile to others (the way he talks to them as if they are rubbish and the way he acts), I find him unworthy of love. Like he shouldn't deserve love from Vanessa or from Noah, in fact. 

But, I do like how you make him the villain, and people are still hanging on by a thread hoping they will get together in the end. While I'm hoping Noah and Vanessa will get together instead. 😅 So much has happened that I don't think I will ever be able to like Tyler or ship them together. 

Things I think you could improve on are: 

.1. Semi-colons - Overusing and using them incorrectly - I said this in the previous book, but they still need correcting. 

.2. Block capitals - A good suggestion would be to use action tags and descriptions. Description is your new best friend. 

.3. Sticking to one pov per chapter - Sometimes it's confusing when you jump from person to person in each chapter two or three times. Maybe you can make each pov longer and fleshed out and have the chapters shorter, so the switching from Tyler to Vanessa isn't as jarring. 

Please remember that this review is based solely on my opinion. If you so wish for the review to be removed in any shape or form, please let me know. 

Please keep writing & I wish you all the best on your writing journey! 

Thank you for requesting the review & I hope it helps you in some way. Please check, "I still want you {Book Two}" if you have time. 


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