Chapter 114: Two Spiders vs The Witch

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Evander's Pov

Me, Captain Carter, Captain Marvel, Reed, and Black Bolt made it to where Wanda is.

Evander: Jesus.

Wanda: *smiles at me* Hello honey.

Evander: Uhh no. Married again remember to not you.

Wanda: Just for now.

Reed: Wanda stop. You've possessed an innocent woman but you can still do the right thing. Let her go. Please, I have children of my own. I understand your pain.

As they was talking my spider sense went off and I soon hears a voice.

838 Evander: Yo other me, I have a plan.

Evander: 'How the fuc-nevermind. What's the plan?'

838: Evander: When Reed is about to attack Imma grab him and you punched my wife.

Evander: 'Uhhh ok?'

Soon after I stopped talking with the universe me I soon heard Wanda said something.

Wanda: What mouth?

I looked over to see Black Bolt doesn't has his mouth and soon he accidently killed himself soon Reed went to attack but 838 me appeared and pulled him away and soon I used a shadow punch and punched Wanda in the face but she used her magic to grab me and throws me away. I crashed through the wall.

Evander: *groans and gets up* Shit I hate magic so much.

838 Evander: *lands next to me* Yeah me too.

Evander: So what did you do with Reed?

838 Evander: He's somewhere safe. *sighs* Great my wife is being control by an evil version of herself. I need a god damn day off.

Evander: Welcome to the club let's go help the others.

838 Evander: Right.

We made our way to where the other where and saw the rest of them dead as Wanda was staring at us.

Evander: Ready man?

838 Evander: Let's get my wife back.

I activate mt suit as I saw this universe me in a cool suit.

I activate mt suit as I saw this universe me in a cool suit

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Evander: What the?

838 Evander: Long story but call me Ghost Spider.

Wanda soon fired a huge magical blast as we soon dodges and 838 me throws fire balls at her that caused her to be distracted as I swing kicked her into a wall and webbed her up into place. But she broke out of if and blasted us where America was.

838 Evander: *reverts back to normal* Ugh....

Evander: *deactivate my mask* Fuck....I really really hate magic...

America: Evander?! Wait...two Evanders?

838 Evander: Yo kid.

I seen Wanda made our way towards us but Xavier showed up and entered into her mind but was soon over come and died. As she was having a mind battle with Xavier me, other me, America, and Christine was running as we ran into Strange

Strange: Hey you guys are alright?

Evander: No me and this universe me got our ass kicked!

Strange and Christine soon argued but America stopped them as Christine took off Strange's cuffs off.

Christine: Don't make me regret this.

Strange: I won't.

America: Okay, can we go now?

Christine: Follow me.

Evander: We'll hold her off. Right?

838 Evander: Yeah.

America: Bu-

Evander: Kid we got this go hurry!

They soon runs off.

Evander: I feel like we're gonna die.

838 Evander: Fuck it we die saving the multiverse.

He then turns back into the Ghost Spider as I activated my mask and we soon saw Wanda walking towards us in a creepy fashion. We soon ran at her as 838 me throws fire balls at her and I slid under and webs her legs making her fall and I tried to punched her but she stopped my with her magic and throws mw into the ground over and over. Then 838 me punched her in the face making me fall but Wanda stopped us in our tracks.

838 Evander: *struggling* Let my wife go you bitch!

Wanda: Quiet.

Evander: *struggling to break free* We don't a fucking button for that.

I soon let out a huge shadow shockwave that made Wanda dropped the both of us.

Evander: Tactical retreat! 

838 Evander: Fuck!

We both opens portals and quicky jumps into to where Strange, Christine, and America are.

America: Did you guys hold her off?

Evander: A bit...but we better move fast.

Soon my spider sense went off as we saw Wanda chasing us and we ran as other me made a fire wall but she got through it. Strange let down water on her as we made it to the door as Strange struggles a bit he soon figure it out and opens the door.

 Strange let down water on her as we made it to the door as Strange struggles a bit he soon figure it out and opens the door

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We all jumped down and saw the Book of Vishanti.

Christine: This is the gap function. The space between universes.

Evander: Oh great.

Strange soon walks over to the book.

Strange: All right, book. Give me what I need.

He soon grabbed it but Wanda soon appeared pulled America towards her, destroyed the book, and picked us all up.

Evander: God damnit woman will you stop?!

Wanda: I'll deal with you later.

I saw her forced America to opens a portal and tossed me, other me, Strange, and Christine.

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