Chapter 80: The King Feels Fear/Rematch With Goblin

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3rd pov

Kingpin's Penthouse

Kingpin was writing something down on pieces of paper as he soon hears his goons screaming in pain and guns firing. Soon he stopped what he was doing and gotten up from his chair as Evander punched the door open and walks inside.

Kingpin: Well if it isn't Shadow Spider or  should I say Evander Axe. Come to deal with me I see.

Evander: .......

Kingpin: I though you would had stay with that woman you called a mother? *chuckles* Face it Evander I have won against you.

Soon Evander started attacking Kingpin as he stopped Kingpin wipes the blood from his mouth.

Kingpin: Is this all you got?! You so called heroes are weak and and pathetic where me. A guy who have the powers. *laughing and looks at him* You come to fight me? I still though you would be with your mother. I look into her she's a pathetic mother at best.

Evander soon attacked him again but ten times harder than he first did ripping his clothes a bit.

Kingpin: *spat out blood* Come one say something you fool!!

Evander: You had cross the line Kingpin. Your the second one who had done that, but motherfucker had cross the very line no one had ever cross.

Kingpin: So what are you gonna do? Kill me? *laughs* Shadow Spider wouldn't kills.

Evander: I'm not here to kill you................I am.

As he said that he deactivate part of his suit showing that Shadow Spider was here to kill but Evander Axe was here to kill him and soon he charged at him and Kingpin charges at him but Evander punched him in the face hard and plammed him hard and throws him onto the ground. As he kicked Kingpin in the face and kicks him away, Evander used multiple shadow punches on him causing the Kingpin to lose a lot of blood and punches him away.

Evander: You must remember this Fisk, yeah I found your real name too Wilson Fisk, and you should of remembered this you put a bullet in a kind hearted, loving lady who love her friends and family. She's not pathetic mother she's the best mother you could have and you must know this. You have all this fucking money you have, you is all talk. You got no super powers. Can you stick to walls? Freezes things? Or run very fast? No? Do you know you is? You is a fat balloon and guess what I am? I am the damn needle that will pop you.

Kingpin soon charges at Evander and started attacking him but Evander was dodging them with ease punched him back onto the ground.


Evander: *looks down at him* Get up, you sack of shit. I said get the fuck up!!

Kingpin: *spatting more blood* ...Go to hell....I'll...get up when....I....I...can't.....

Evander grabs Kingpin by his skin and lift them and started slapping him and kept slapping him over and over again and he soon stopped.

Evander: Balloon. Needle. Do you fucking get it?! You is the weak one! Preying on the innocent people because of what your father never liked you?! Or your mother hated your guts! *pops out my stingers* I can slice you into [piece with my stingers or use a shadow punch and keep punching you until you is a bloody paste? So which one would you like to die from?

Before Kingpin could answer a pumpkin bomb was thrown inside as it exploded Evander active his suit and throws Kingpin away and looks at him.

Evander: Reveal who I am and you is dead. And if my mother doesn't make it I will strangle you with your damn guts.

Evander soon web zips out as he saw Hobgoblin.

Hobgoblin: Hahaha! Nice to meet you Shadow Spider!!

Evander: Time to take you down once and for all.

Hobgoblin laughs and throws more pumpkin bombs but Evander webs all of them and threw them back at him as they exploded causing Hobgoblin to fly off the glider and lands on top of Kingpin's Penthouse as Evander lands on top he looks at Hobgoblin.

Evander: it's time to shut you up for good.

Hobgoblin: I like to see you try! *pulls out another sword and more bombs*

They soon charged at each other as Hobgoblin threw his pumpkin bombs at Evander he tank the bombs as his suit glowed dark purple and he moved the dark aura into his fist and punched him in the face hard and punched him in the gut as he did that it caused a shockwave making the Hobgoblin fall off the roof and was falling into the ground. Evander jumps off the roof and drives towards Hobgoblin and shits webs at him and pulled himself towards him and throws him into around roof and punching him and throws him off the roof and grabbed his leg and threw him into the ground hard. Hobgoblin was trying to get up but Evander kneed him back into the ground and started beating him down senseless, he kept going until he was soon grabbed by Daredevil and Quicksilver.

Daredevil: You need to cool it now!

Pietro: Calm down!! Shit he snapped. 

Evander: Let go of me now or I'll beat you two into paste.

Wanda: *walks up to him* Honey calm down!

Evander: Why are you here?

Wanda: To stop you from killing Kingpin and Hobgoblin!

Evander: Why the deserve death.

Wanda: Sweetie please think about your morals. Think about the kids and if they saw their father kill two people what would they think of you. What would your mother think of you.

Evander: .......*closes his eyes and breaths in and out slowly* Fine I'll let them live. You two can let go of me.

They soon let go of him.

Evander: How is she?

Wanda: She's alive but the bullet hit her spine.

Evander: What does that mean?

Wanda: She can't walk anymore.

Evander: .......Can you take me to her?

Wanda: Yeah let's go.

They all walked towards where Evander's mother was in.

(Two Hours Later)

Evander and the rest of them was ion his mother's room as she was awake.

Evander: How are you feeling mum?

Angel: I'm feeling fine just can't feel my legs that's all.

Evander: I caused this.....ever since I became a hero....everyone I love gets hurt. Pops died because of me, Roisin lost her sight because of me. Now you....lost the ability to walk because of me....*starts tearing up*

Angel: Hey hey. This wasn't your fault son.

Evander: But it was.

Angel: No it wasn't.

Evander: But I'm a terrible hero.

Angel: Evander the city loves you, we love you of how you protect everyone from even the pettiest thugs to aliens that came from space. You is my hero. *smiles*

Evander: *hugs her close*

Angel: You can let it all out Evander.

Soon Evander started crying as he let every emotion out that he was building up since the death of his father towards now.

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