Chapter 28: Ice vs Shadow

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Evander's Pov

Me and Steve was getting closer towards the targeting room until ice wall blocked up and we then saw Frost behind us. 

Frost: You two aren't going anywhere.

Evander: *use shadow punch and punched the ice wall* Go I'll deal with her.

Steve: Are you sure?

Evander: *sighs* Yes now go before it's too late. 

Steve nodded his head and made his way toward the room as me and Frost was looking at each other.

Evander: Eve you need to remember. Please I don't want to hurt you.

Frost: My name's not Eve it's Frost!

(Start playing the music)

She then started firing ice shards at me as I dodges them again but she soon kicked me in  the chest and made an ice bat and hit me with it making me crashed into the wall. As I got out of the wall I soon dodged her ice sword as I popped out my stingers and sliced the sword into piece and started trying to slice her but she soon made a ice clone making me freeze up, as she grabbed my frozen body and throws me to the ground and kicked me in the face. Frost was still attacking me as my body started to glow in  the same dark aura as before and soon enough it let out the same shockwave as she flew back but caught herself.

Evander: I really don't want to fight you Eve. 

Frost: I told you my name isn't Eve!

I soon got into my fighting stance looking at her.

Evander: Guess I have to beat the memories into you.

We soon charged at each other as I used my shadow punch and punched her in the gut and kicked her back and shot webs at her to pull her self back to me and punched her again but she caught it and froze my arm and stabbed me in the side with a blade. I headbutted her and uppercut her and used my shadow punch again and punched her square in the gut as she flew back.

Evander: *panting* Are you done? *looks at the wound as it slowly heals* Thank Stan Lee I got a healing factor.

Soon the area started to go cold as Frost got up and she looked super pissed off. I just chuckled nervously as she runs towards me and turn her hands into ice daggers and started slicing at me; started cutting up my suit and my skin as I caught her hands she kneed me in the gut and kept kneeing me as I let go of her hand she stabbed me in the side making me scream in pain. She then grabbed me by the throat and slammed me to the ground freezing my arms and legs as she started punching me in the face over and over again

Frost: Just. *punching me* Fucking. *kept punching me* Die!! *punching me harder*

I started to blackout a bit but I used what energy I got left and broke the ice and took off me mask showing Frost my face.

Evander: H-hey Evie..

Frost: What?

Evander: Y-you know you said this to me 'without a doubt always help people even if you don't know , they will know you still care for them'. So I want to h-help you Evie.

(Stopped playing the music)

Soon Frost got off of me and started holding her head and started screaming and falls to her knees. I got up and walked over to her and crouched down.

Evander: Eve? Evie?

She hugged me tightly crying.

Eve: Guts..I'm sorry I'm so so sorry.

Evander: *hugging back* I know. I know.

Eve: *looks up at me* You still you idiotic as always.

Evander: *chuckles* Yeah whatever.

We soon got up.

Evander: So what happened to you.

Eve: Well after the winter soldier killed my mum and dad I was out on the street where some people grabbed me out of nowhere and make me into this.

Evander: Now I wanna kill those bastards.

Eve: *looks at her hands* I killed so many people I....

Evander: *holds her hand* Hey hey that wasn't you.

Eve: But it felt like it was.

Evander: No it wasn't your my best friend and you couldn't hurt a fly when we was growing up.

Eve: *punched my arm* Ass.

Evander: Meh worth it.

I soon heard Hill come on my comms.

Maria: Evander are you there?

Evander: Yeah I'm here.

Maria: Get to Natasha and Director Fury. They're in Pierce's office.

Evander: Alright on my way. *looks at Eve* Wanna come?

Eve: You sure?

Evander: Yeah just hold on to me.

Eve got on my back as I drive out of a window and started making our way to Pierce's office.

(Seven Minutes Later)

We made it to Pierce's office where we saw him dead on the ground as I saw Natasha on the ground and ran to her.

Evander: You okay Natasha?

Natasha: Damn those things hurts.

Nick Fury: *chuckles and helps Natasha up and looks at Eve* She's friendly?

Evander: Yeah she is now.

We then made out way towards the helicopter and started looking for Sam as we contacted him as he saying he was on the 41st floor. I then saw him jump towards us and I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the copter.

Sam: Thanks kid.

Evander: No problem.

Sam: *saw Eve and was shocked*

Eve: Don't worry I'm on the good side now.

I got on comma to Hill

Evander: Do you have a location on Steve?

We started looking for him as Eve spotted him

Eve: The river! Guys he's there!!

We all looked down and saw him.

Nick Fury: I see him.

Then we got Steve out of the water and made our way towards a hospital.

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