Chapter 15: Going To Washington D.C.

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Evander's Pov

(Few Month Later In Spring Of 2014, and he is 16 in this one.)

It had been a few months since dealing with red death and the death of my father, but me and my family is better now emotionally and mentally. Now I'm web swing through out the city as I was swing my phone ringed so I webbed zip to a roof and answered it.

Evander: Hello?

Angel: Evander where are you?

Evander: Uhhh I'm out. Why?

Angel: Cause someone from the internship you're doing is here.

Evander: Ok..I'll be there in five errr ten mins tops mum.

Angel: Ok hurry up bye.

Evander: Bye mum. *hands up and put my phone away* Well this is new to me. *jumps off of the roof and webs swings the way home*

(10 Minutes Later)

I had made it to my house and changes into my regular clothes and hides my suit on the roof, and entered through the front door and walked in to see my mum was talking with Natasha.

Angel: Well look who is finally here.

Evander: Yeah yeah yeah mum.

Angel: *laughs a little* Well one of the assistance Ms. Howard from your internship is here because who forgot to read a email saying you is going to D.C to do some work.

Natasha: *smiles*

Evander: Oh yeah *chuckles* I forgot to look at it.

Natasha: Evander you need to keep in track with the emails we are sending you.

Evander: *grumbles*

Angel: *sighing* Always lazy..*heard a noise from the kitchen* Oh the tea is done I'm going to get it. *walks off*

Evander: *looked at Natasha* Ok what is the real reason you is here?

Natasha: *whispered* Well remember the mission I told you about?

Evander: The one I would work with Cap?

Natasha: Yes and I'm here to pick you up so you can meet him and Nick Fury.

Evander: The eye patch guy?

Natasha: Mhm.

Evander: Alright so when am I leaving?

Natasha: Tomorrow.

Evander: Ok.

Angel: *comes back with the tea* I'm back with the tea. *place the tea down and hand one of the cups to Natasha* Here you go.

Natasha: Why thank you Mrs. Axe.

Angel: Your welcome. *smiles*

Evander: I'm going to pack up for the trip mum.

Angel: Ok guts make sure you pack everything.

Evander* sighing* Alright. *went upstairs*

I went to my room and became packing and packed up the things I need.

(Next Day)

Washington D.C.

I had arrived at D.C. with Natasha and she took me to this S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters that was in D.C. so I put my hood on to hide my face from the people that worked there and we made our way to an office. As she knocked on the door someone opened it and it was Nick Fury

Nick Fury: Agent Romanoff, good to see you. *looks at me* So you must be the spider kid huh?

Evander: It's Shadow Spider sir. *pulls out my hand* Evander Axe sir.

Nick Fury: *smiles and shakes my hand* I alright know who you are Mr. Axe.

Evander: Huh? How?

Nick Fury: Super spy.

Evander: Make sense.

Natasha: *shakes her head*

Nick Fury: Well now Agent Romanoff let's talk this mission and Mr. Axe you is also invited since you are here. 

Evander: Right.

Nick let me and Natasha on he told us about this rescue mission on a ship named the Lumping Star and after he briefed us on this, me and Natasha walked out of his office.

Natasha: Well Evander I'm going to get captain and you need to entertain yourself for twenty minutes.

Evander: Hmm cool I'm going to the gym.

Natasha: Alright don't break anything. *walks off*

As I saw her walked off, i went to the gym and started working out on every part of my body.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

I was doing a one hand stand and doing push-ups I heard foots steps and I looked under me and saw Natasha so I did a flip and landed on my feet.

Evander: Oh hey we ready?

Natasha: Yep. Did you bring your suit.

Evander: *sweatdrops* Oh uhhhh I forgot to bring it.

Natasha: *sighing* You is lucky that Fury made you a suit just in case you will forget to bring the suit Tony gave you. Come on. *walks off*

Evander: I'm coming. *follows her*

I was following her , she had lead me to a secret room and I was very confused on why she made me followed her to this room she started pushing numbers in a panel looking thing on the wall and it opened an container opened I saw my new suit.

I was following her , she had lead me to a secret room and I was very confused on why she made me followed her to this room she started pushing numbers in a panel looking thing on the wall and it opened an container opened I saw my new suit

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Evander: Woah this is a nice suit. I'm going to call it the black suit or stealth suit.

Natasha: *smiles* Alright you have five minutes to suit up and meet me at the quinjet.

Evander: Where? Nevermind I'll be there.

Natasha: Alright. *walks off*

I soon started to suit up and once I put on my new suit it feels great and looked at my wrist to see holes where i can shoot out webs and pop out my stinger.

Evander: Heh Fury was watching me. *opens a portal and jumps into it*

(At The Hanger)

My portal opened and I jumped out of it and as it closed I looked to see a group of armed men.

???: Hello Shadow Spider I'm Agent Rumlow and this is my S.T.R.I.K.E squad and I heard you will be joining us.

Evander: I'm happy that I can help people and you can trust me we will get this mission done.

Rumlow: *smiles a bit and nods* 

???: Well I'm happy that you can join us.

Evander: *turns around and saw Captain America* Captain.*pulls out my hand*

Steve: *shakes my hand* Shadow Spider.

Natasha: Time to go.

Steve: Right let's go.

Evander: *nods*

I entered the quinjet and as it took off and we was on our wave to the Lumarian Star ship.

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