Chapter 103: Helping The Villains

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Evander's Pov

We all made it to where Peter had been staying as he told it was Happy's Apartment and we all walked inside.

Peter: Where's Connors?

Evander: He wanted to stay in the truck for some reason.

Peter: Okay. Hey May.

May: Yeah?

Peter: I feel bad using Happy's place like this.

May: No, no, no. He'll get over it.

Evander: Yeah maybe.

I looked at the corner and saw Max zapping the tv as it turns on and Flint sits on the couch.

Otto: So this is you plan Peter? No lab, no facilities? Just performing miracles in a condominium? What, you gonna cook us come cures and some frozen burritos in a microwave?

Evander: You know we could of left you with the wizard.

Norman: I could go for a burrito.

Evander: Me too.

Otto: He's gonna kill us all.

Evander: Jeez your not fun at parties are ya?

Peter: Well, let's hope not. You're up first, Doc.

Otto: What? Hey, I told you, I don't need fixing.

Evander: Sure bud. 

Peter walks away as I followed him to the back as he reveal of something Tony left as it was a case.

Norman: What the hell is that?

Peter: it's a fabricator. It can analyze, design, construct basically anything.

The fabricator soon opens up.

May: I though that was the tanning bed Happy broke.

Evander: Not gonna even answer that.

Max: *saw the arc reactor* Look at that.

Soon the part of the fabricator broke through the wall.

Otto: He's gonna kill us all.

(Couple of Hours Later)

Me, Norman, and Peter was working on a way to fix Otto.

Peter: So the chip in the back of Doc's neck was designed to protect his brain from the AI system that's controlling these tentacles, but if you look here. The chip is fried. 

Evander: okay so rather than him being in control of tentacles,  the tentacles are now in control of him. Like some symbiote type shit?

Peter: Exactly, and which I guess, explains why he is so miserable all the time.

Evander: I though he was miserable before he got the tentacles.

We soon started remaking the newer chip as Norman was watching us.

Norman: Remarkable. The technology and the both of you. When all this is over, if you need a job and you're willing to commute to another universe-

We soon finished making the chip.

Peter: It worked. That totally worked!

Evander: Alright let go see if it works.

Peter soon grabbed the chip and me and him ran to where everyone are.

Peter: I got it. We did it. Will you send him up?

May soon send Otto up in the air as Peter ran up the stairs and as Otto ranted Peter put the chip on his neck and Otto passed out. After a few seconds he wakes up. 

Otto: It's so quiet. Those voices inside my head. I'd almost forgotten.

Norman: Otto.

Otto: Yes, Norman. *lowers to the ground* It's me.

Peter: *jumps and lands in front of him*

Flint: Would you look at that?

Otto soon pushed on of the tentacles on Peter's chest and gives him what left of his Iron Spider suit as it made him a new suit.

Otto: I'm grateful, dear boy. Truly. *looks at me* Thanks also.

Evander: It's no problem Doc.

Otto: How can I help?

We then started making the items to turn the rest back to normal.

3rd Pov

(Somewhere in New York)

Red Death was speeding through the city as he was going over what had happened. As there was two Spider heroes in New York as he killed one years ago.

Red Death: How is there two spider heroes now? I killed that one brat years ago. Then.....then..*realizes* He's from another universe and he have the same powers as that brat. *growls* I'm gonna kill him for good. *speeds off*

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