Chapter 56: A New Spider, And Two Devils

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Evander's Pov

Me and Steve started to make our way towards the chopper but it got disabled, we looked up and saw Tony and Rhodey flying down in their armor as they landed in front of us.

Tony: Wow. it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?

Rhodey: Definitely weird.

Steve: Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, they psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.

Then we saw the Black Panther jumps in from the right.

T'Challa: Spidey, Captain.

Evander: Your highness

???: I really wish this wouldn't happen.

I turned to my left and saw Eve and Daredevil.

Evander: Heya Matt it's really good to see you. *looks at Eve* You.

Eve: *sighs*

Daredevil: Back at you.

Tony: Anyway....Ross gave me thirty six hours to bring you both in. That was twenty four hours ago. Can you both help a brother out.

Steve: You're after the wrong guy.

Tony: Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.

Evander: And there are five more just like him.

Steve: We can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. We can't.

Natasha: *walks in* Evander, Steve, you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch you way out of here?

Evander&Steve: .......

Tony: Alright I run out of patience. Underooses!

Suddenly webs shot from the sky bind mine's and Steve's hands together also taking his shield and I felt something sharp on my neck, as I look and saw a person in a red and blue spandex landed right in front of us.

Suddenly webs shot from the sky bind mine's and Steve's hands together also taking his shield and I felt something sharp on my neck, as I look and saw a person in a red and blue spandex landed right in front of us

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Then I looked behind me and saw the person with the weapons to my neck.

Then I looked behind me and saw the person with the weapons to my neck

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Tony: Nice job kids.

???: Thanks. I could have stuck the landing better, it's suit. It's nothing Mr. Stark. It's perfect, thanks you.

???#2: *sighing*

Tony: Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.

???: Hi, Cap. Big fan I'm Spider-Man and that's Lady Death right behind you Shadow Spider.

My spider sense went off as I looked at the other spider guy knowing he's like me a bit.

Lady Death: Ugh.

Steve: You've been busy

After Steve said that Tony started talking to us that we are tearing the avengers apart.

Evander: *sighs* You did that when you signed.

Tony: All right, we're done. You're gonna turn in Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now because it's us....or a squad of J-SOC guys....with no compunction about being impolite. Come on

Sam: *on comms* We found it. Their quinjets in hanger five, north runway.

As Sam said that Steve lift his arms as Clint's arrow broke it and I used my stingers and sliced the webs off me and throws Lady Death off.

Evander: Lang you is up.

Scott who was small and on Steve's shield grows bigger and kicks Spider-Man in the face and joined us.

Scott: I believe this is yours Captain America.

Then Black Panther started running towards to where Sam and Bucky are but Steve went after him. I saw Tony went after Wanda and Clint and as I started to follow him I dodge a ice blast from Eve and saw her and Lady Death looking at me. 

Evander: So a two on one? Bring it then.

Eve: *sighing* Don't make us do this.

Lady Death: Just stop this.


I soon rushed at them as Eve fires more ice blasts I shot webs at them hitting her in the face but Lady Death dodges it and  we started fighting it out.

Clint's Pov

Me, Wanda , and Pietro was running through the airport as things started to explode behind us. We stop as we saw Tony hovering above us.

Tony: Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings.

Wanda: You locked me in my room. Kept me from the love of my life and my brother. You're the one who hurt feelings.

Pietro: And I though you was good for once Stark.

Tony: *looks at me* Hey Clint.

Clint: Hey man.

Tony: Retirement clearly doesn't suit you. Get tired of shooting golf?

Clint: Played eighteen, shot eighteen. I just can't seem to miss.

I then fires some arrows at hum but Tony started firing at them.

Tony: Well, there's a first for everything.

Clint: *smirks* Made you look.

Then Tony turned around and saw cars trying to hit him thanks to Wanda and Pietro runs up and punched him in the face as Tony was crushed by many of cars.

Clint: Let's get to the others and get to the quinjet.

They nod and we started running towards the others.

Evander's Pov

I sucker punched Lady Death in the face and throws her into Eve, then my spider sense went off and dodged a baton as I looked at Daredevil.

Evander: Come on Matt we're friends.

Matt: I know but I am a lawyer and it's the law.

Evander: Bloody hell.

We ran at each other and started fighting. He throws me into the ground and was ready to punch me but I quick used a shadow punch and uppercutted him and shots a few webs and throws him into Eve and Lady Death. They all gotten up and runs at me and Scott quickly ran up to me and toss me a small truck.

Scott: Throw it at this! Now! *toss a disk*

I threw the small truck at the disk making it huge as it hit the ground it exploded that hit Eve, Lady Death, Daredevil, Natasha, Rhodey, and T'Challa. 

Evander: *looks at Scott*

Scott: Oh man I thought it was a water truck. Sorry.

Evander: Let's just go meet with the others.

Scott: Right.

We soon ran off to meet with the others.

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