Your example...

"With my thoughts flying out of the window, I slammed the door open." 

I would consider using a different word to replace 'slammed.' 'Slammed' means to shut with force, like you can slam the door shut, but you can't slam a door open. I would use another variation to the word open. (Heaved, pulled, tugged or opened with force could be examples). 

A suggestion could be...

"With my thoughts flying out of the window, I opened the door with force." 

Sometimes simple is better. 

Punctuation - 

(Chapter One)

Your example...

"I wish I could go home too," he let out a sigh..." 

This is a very minor issue, but there should be a comma before 'too.' 

A suggestion would be...

"I wish I could go home, too," he let out with a sigh..." 

Character Development / plot - 


This was a hooking start as we come to learn that he's being held as a prisoner, and I'm guessing he's being held unfairly. The tables have turned on him since he was once a prosecutor himself. Now he's feeling what it's like to be behind bars. 

You do a good job showing the emotions he is going through while he mentally and physically adjusts to his situation. 

(Chapter One) 

In contrast to the previous chapter, this one was a little more mellow. There's a little mystery surrounding the investigators and the death of a woman. I would like to know more about that, which I assume will be addressed more in the following chapters. 

I like seeing the interaction between Taehyung and his wife. I was half expecting something to happen to keep me on the edge of my seat, but nothing happened. I don't know why, but when he was choking on the food, I thought it was because his wife had poisoned him - that would have been a twist and a half. *Gone Girl vibes* 

I am curious as to why she has to feel that she has to please him so much. She seems like she suffers from low-self esteem and lacks confidence in being a wife. 

(Chapter Two) 

I'm surprised to learn that Jimin is Areum's brother. It makes sense that he would be concerned and protective of his sister, and that explains the relationship between him and Taehyung. 

I'm wondering what illness Areum has. I'm getting a feeling it's more than a cold/flu. You do a good job of building suspense, hinting that there is something more going on under the surface and I can't wait to find out what it is. 

It's understandable that Taehyung is worried and concerned about his girlfriend, but at times I found their relationship hot and cold. Areum keeps things from Taehyung, and I'm getting the impression that he walks on eggshells around her, (the phone conversation where he didn't want to wake her up because he wanted her to rest and tried his best not to make her upset or on edge). It was a nice gesture, but it made her situation worse and Areum's reaction was unexpected. 

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