Chapter 39 [mutual relations?]

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he xingyu didn't expect to see yu han here, but he didn't show it on his face: "mr. yu."

zhao zong seemed particularly enthusiastic, after all, this is a big guy, before saying that the investment was invested, said that the acquisition was acquired, the eyes did not blink, it seems that the previous rumors are true, this yujia family is afraid that it is rich and invincible, although at first i don't know why this yujia owner suddenly ran to visit xingsheng entertainment, but when the yujia lord named he xingyu as an escort, he understood.

zhao zong quickly gave the pennant that he sent before to he xingyu, he xingyu wanted to leave after putting it away, who knew that zhao zong let him take yu zong to walk around the company, he xingyu thought about it before the yu family lord helped him a lot, nodded in response.

yu han looked at zhao zong more before he xingyu left, nodded, although still cold and cold, but compared to the previous eyes staring at him made zhao zong ecstatic, if it were not for yu zong's name, he would like to entertain himself.

xingsheng entertainment people do not know yu han, just look at he xingyu walking together, the figure is comparable to a model, the appearance is even more let people look straight, can't help but turn their heads and ears, is this a newly signed artist? oh my god, i look really handsome, especially the natural and noble temperament around me, i'm afraid that as long as i show up, i can catch fire.

he xingyu noticed the gaze of others, "mr. yu is not afraid of revealing his identity? he hadn't shown up in the previous interview, and he thought that the famous family owner didn't want people to know.

yu han was not good at words, and was originally struggling to find a reason: "zhao zong's mouth is still quite strict, as long as it is not tang tesuke following, they can't guess my identity, but how is mr. he doing lately?" yyu han came to get the purpose and did not really visit xingsheng entertainment, and quickly found a head to let he xingyu take him to the rooftop on the top floor to blow the wind.

there are tables and chairs on the roof, the two sit opposite each other, zhao zong has been paying attention to their side, intimately let the secretary send afternoon tea and small snacks, he xingyu knows that this famous family owner is greedy for sweets, and pushed the snacks towards him: "mr. yu tasted, the company's dim sum is ok."

yu han looked at the two pieces that were pushed over, and the corners of his mouth bent very shallowly, seeing that he xingyu was really not interested in dim sum, but he was not polite with him.

he xingyu thought that he had seen it wrong, and when he looked closely, the other party had returned to normal, hanging his eyes, sitting there leisurely, the sun shining down, more like shooting a large film than eating.

both of them are not much to say, but he xingyu does not hate this atmosphere, but feels very quiet and peaceful, especially looking at the other party slowly si li taste those exquisite snacks, and his cold image is completely unmoved, the sense of contrast makes he xingyu can't help but look at a few more eyes, and he xingyu does not know things, in his mind at this moment gao leng focused on eating yu han, in fact, in a daze, his favorite food on weekdays does not seem to be so attracted, it all fell on the phone on the body and on the person on the other side.

yu han quickly finished eating, and finally began to lead out the real purpose of this time: "hot search i saw, although yu's bought xingsheng entertainment but maintained the original operating mode, but let its artists be wronged is also our responsibility, so if there is a next time, mr. he can notify me at the first time, no matter what, as the owner, i will stand on your side."

he xingyu listened in confusion: huh? no...... iis there pr?

as a result, before he xingyu reacted and found a more appropriate wording to answer, he saw that the famous owner who was only separated by a small table on the opposite side took out a latest mobile phone from his suit pants, "so in order to know the latest developments and situations at the first time, i registered a weibo account, and we shut each other down?"

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