Mo Yuan called the Dragon Wing into his study the next morning.  They all sat and waited expectantly for him to speak.  "I have called you here because I have a task for all of you.  Jiao-long Ming will not be with you.  He has other duties.   You are going to the mortal realm with your SiShu.  He has told me that he is positive there are at least two more lairs of those Xiyi.  One of them contains an alpha female.  They must be killed.  This is not a little trip where you can lag around and lay up in the flower house.  In fact, if I find out any of you do so then you will face Jinlong in the arena when you return.  Understood?"  Wide eyes told him they all got that message loud and clear.  "Good!  You are to use your abilities to help him kill off these last two lairs of Xiyi.  No fooling around.  This is serious business.  Baohu has lost his voice.  He can speak into your mind.  If he gives you any order, you do it without hesitation.  If he tells me that any of you disobeyed him or did not follow orders, then you will answer to me.  Be ready to leave in a week.  This will relieve you of the monotony of our tour.  Now go get your gear in order.  Dismissed!"  Mo Yuan grinned to himself as he left to go to Qing Qui.  Baohu was coming back to the mountain today.  He had something planned for him.  Bai Qian had all of the children in the hall when he walked in.  "I'm going to get Baohu.  All of you be ready to welcome him home, ok?"  Little voices cheered.  "Good!  Dearest, call Xue and JinDe here as well.  I want him to know that we have missed him!"  He left and went to get him.  Baohu was rather hesitant.  He still couldn't talk.  He was sitting under the pavilion at Jinzi's house waiting.  He drank his tea in pensive silence.  When his Fuqin appeared in front of him, he was nervous.  He hadn't seen Kunlunxu for over a year.  "Come, my son!  It's time for you to come home!"  When Baohu stood up, his Fuqin grabbed him around his waist and jumped him to the gate.  Taowu bowed as he entered.  He looked up the stairway and path that led to the hall.  He looked at his Fuqin as a tear slid down his face.  Mo Yuan nodded and jumped him to the portico outside the hall.  When he walked in, little voices rang out his name and ran to him.  He fell to his knees to take them into his arms.  He wiped the tears from his face.  He set them back and looked at Jingsi and Jiaxiao with their beads in their hair and pretty little dresses to match them.  He touched their hair and smiled at them.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe saw the joy on the face of their errant didi.  Yes, he had grown up!  JinDe grabbed him up into a bear hug and swung him around like a toy.  "Ho, Baohu!  I've missed you, didi!  I'm sorry I called you a xiao chanchu.  Forgive me?"  Baohu looked into his eyes and smiled.  He punched JinDe on the shoulder and hugged him.  Bai Xue spoke into his mind.  "I have missed you, my xiao jin huli.  Very much."  Baohu hugged him for the longest time and turned to see the rest of his family.  Instead of taking his place on the dais, he sat at his old place at the table.  JinDe took the dais and smiled at his didi.  Mo Yuan smiled and stood.  "Today, Bai Baohu Zhe has come home.  He has proven himself to be a true warrior of Kunlun, a true gentleman and last but not least, my son.  Baohu, I have a gift for you.  I told you when I forced you to leave that only a worthy man would ever carry a weapon of Kunlun.  You have come home and proven to me that you are indeed a man worthy of being a warrior of Kunlunxu.  Today I gift you with a new set of blades to replace the ones destroyed by your Da ge.  These are your new blades.  I call them Diyu zhi huo.  Out of your blades come crimson hellfire.  You are no longer thunder and lightning.  You are fire, hellfire.  Here are your weapons, my son.  Use them well."  Mo Yuan waved his hand and his full gear appeared in front of him on the table.  His golden armor, his dagger, his throwing stars and his new blades.  The blades caught his attention.  The handles were the old ones from his old blades.  The blades were new.  They were black with the design of a nine tailed golden huli sitting on the back of a white horse that was rearing up.  He ran his hand down the blade and grinned at his Fuqin when he did.  He took them into his hand and raised them over his head.  He called his power into them and felt a surge into his own spirit.  He powered down because he felt the power come into him like a shock wave.  He looked at his Fuqin with a question on his face.  "Yes, my son.  Your power draws from the sky and you can pull it to you.  You must learn to control it though or you will burn up like your Da ge nearly did because he couldn't control his power.  Understand?"  Baohu nodded.  He made a sign over his heart and pointed at his Fuqin.  He spoke to him alone.  "Fuqin, I will never disappoint you again.  Of that you can rest assured!"  "In a week, Baohu will take the Dragon Wing with him to the mortal realm to find and destroy the rest of the Xiyi.  After he does that, he is going to rest and recuperate for a while.  Our tour will resume as soon as he returns from the mortal realm.  Now let's celebrate!!"  

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