Chapter 78

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During the midst of nightfall, Hua Fen woken and felt an abrupt kick in her stomach. She rubs her stomach, hoping that will calm her baby. But, it didn't.

"Shut the fuck up- OW!" Seems like the baby shows their anger from the way their mother told them to shut up by giving her a strong kick.

"Omg...when will I go into labor and skip to the sunset like there is no tomorrow!?"

The baby kicked again.

"Work with me, child! Please! I want you to be out too!"

Yin Yu groaned and side-eyed his wife. "Baby can't sleep?"

"It's like it wanted to play or something!"

"Did you anger the baby?"

"No? It kick me out of my sleep and I tried rubbing it! Then, it kicked! Then, I told it to shut the fuck up and I got the hardest kick from it-"

"Sweetie, that's our baby. Not Hua Chengzhu. Not Xie Lian. Not He Xuan. Not any man you want to name. Please...don't tell him to shut up."

"...fine. I'm going to working the hell out of this kid! It better be worth giving birth to! I'm already nine months now!"

Yin Yu sighs and said, "How about a drink? Or food?"

"...for me or this kid?"

"Why not both?"

"Well, some water will be nice."

"Good choice."

Hua Fen looks at her husband in disbelief. "Good choice? Water is the only thing I can drink during this pregnancy! I think!"

"I know. I'll be back. Stay here and just try to relax."

"We'll try."

When Yin Yu left, Hua Fen tries breathing for minute. She can feel her baby taking up all of the air around her. She began to breathe heavily.

"...Ah...ugh..." Hua Fen moaned in slight pain. She hold her baby bump.

"Ugh! N...ngh!"

"Meimei? Meimei, what's wrong!?" Hua Cheng enters his sister's room. He rushes to her side.

"I'm f...fine! The baby is just jumping around more...ugh! Why you here?"

"I have to take Xie Lian to the Heaven Realm. Xie Shu is near to give birth to her baby. She's in labor. I think you are too, so I came to see you if you're okay! Is your water is broken?"

"I...I think so. I can feel something...AH! HUA CHENG!"

"Is it time!?"

"What the fuck you think it is!? Time for me to die or something!? YES, IT'S TIME! MY WATER IS BROKEN! GET SOMEONE! HURRY!" Hua Cheng nodded and rushes out of the room.


Hua Cheng and Yin Yu waited outside the room for Hua Fen deliver the baby privately. They heard her screaming in ghastly pain and the doctor Hua Fen's ladies-in-waiting telling her to push and breathe.

Xie Lian, on the other hand, was with Shi Wudu while waiting Xie Shu to deliver her baby as well in the Heaven Realm. Hua Cheng insisted Xie Lian to go to his sister so he won't miss the birth of his new family member. Xie Liam didn't even protest about it.

At the same time, they waited and prayed. Mostly Hua Cheng prayed since he have witnessed the death of his first nephew and hoped that it was not be spread to happen Hua Fen lose another this time.


Within an 6 hours or more of the delivering, on August the 12th, Yin Ling, the son of Hua Fen and Yin Yu, and Shi Jiaying, the daughter of Xie Shu and Shi Wudu, were born.


After two days later of the birth, He Xuan came to visits Hua Fen. He found Hua Fen nursing Yin Ling in the nursery room.

"Congrats," He spoke.

Hua Fen turns to He Xuan and asked, "For what?"

"Having your dream come true. You know, having a child."

"Thanks. Do you want to hold Yin Ling?"

"Yin Ling?"

"I want his name to be simple. You named He Shui simple."

"I see." He Xuan gently takes Yin Ling from Hua Fen.

Hua Fen stands behind He Xuan as he rocks her child gently. "He looks like Yin Yu, right?"

"Soon to be acting like you. Bitchy. Just absolute bitchy."

Hua Fen's mouth dropped a little and exclaimed, "Hey!"

"'re a horrible mother to shout around a child, you know?"

"But, what you said was really offensive! I'm not that bitchy!"

"Every day you're a bitchy woman. Ever since I first dated you. Spiteful and selfish. Needed to be punished."

Hua Fen gritted her teeth a little. She don't want to cause a scene around her sleeping baby, so she let it slide.

He Xuan huffed and look down at Yin Ling. "But, yes. He looks exactly like Yin Yu. Is Xie Shu recovered as well?"

"I'm pretty sure she is fully recovered, yes."

"I see. And what she name her baby?"

Hua Fen lifted her eyebrow and asked, "You haven't seen her baby either?"

"I stay in the Manor. Shi Qingxuan tries forcing me to go see Xie Shu's baby and yours, but I insist not to. He practically begged for him to come with him. I can't because...that wannabe innocent husband you have and Shi Wudu."

Hua Fen nodded in understanding. She understands that Yin Yu and Shi Wudu never liked He Xuan much. There are many reasons why. She caresses her baby's cheek with her thumb as he sleeps. She noticed He Xuan smiling at Yin Ling.

Hua Fen smiles and asked, "You already like him?"

"Well, slightly have your baby face, so possibly yeah."

"I don't have a baby face, He Xuan."

"You have a baby face every time you pouted or stick your tongue out."

"Stop lying. The lying is getting old."

"It's the truth. I'm not lying."

Hua Fen pouted. "See? You're doing it, baby face." He Xuan smirked.

"Stop teasing me!"

The two ghosts went silent, looking at each other, knowing that they still have the same happiness they use to have before the downfall between them.

Yin Yu walks by. He caught the two ghost chatting. He grab He Xuan's shoulder and  warned him, "You better not do anything else to my family or else, am I clear?"

"...yes. You're clear."

Yin Yu smiles a little and said, "Good."

Hua Fen didn't know whether to laugh or remain silent, she did both instead.

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