Bonus Chapter 😊

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I turn around in bed before finding a familiar figure. immediately I wrap my arms around her pulling her into my chest being careful not to wake her.  Marley and I were on vacation thanks to Bucky and Sarah who volunteered to watch the kids and the pets.  Now we were in the middle of nowhere Colorado. No children, no pets, just us, more importantly, no work. Obviously, if the world needs Captain America there are means of contact, but for the most part, Tony made sure we were off the grid. Marley shifts in my arms, I look down at her to make sure that she's still asleep. Her eyes fluttered slightly but didn't open. I smile to my self as I lay my head back down fully ready to have a lazy morning with the love of my life.


I woke up again hours later noticing that we've changed position, Marley's head now lying on my chest. I look over to the clock, which reads 11:25, before I feel Marley start to wake up.

"Mornin beautiful," I say softly rubbing her back gently. She takes a deep breath before moving her head to look at me.

"Good morning," she says with a small smile on her face. God I love that smile. "Y'know," she says after a moment of silence. "I'm starting to think it's you who has the staring problem,"

"Ha.ha. very funny," I say sarcastically adding an eye roll for good measure. This causes her to giggle which makes me smile as she moves forward to kiss me. "How about this," I say as we pull away her head going back to it's spot on my chest. "You stay here, I go make us some food, and then a little later we go for a swim in the lake,"

"Hmmm, how about you stay here with me and we do all that... Tomorrow," She says closing her eyes.

"But foods important Mar,"

"Fine," she says moving her head to look at me again. "How about we make food together and then go swimming in the lake,"

"Deal," I say before leaning in to give her a kiss, only to flip her on to her back and tickle her sides.

"Stop.. Sam really?.... Sam... Stop," she says in between laughs. Finally giving in I stop smiling down at her. "You're such a manchild, " she says narrowing her eyes at me.

"Ah yes but I'm your manchild," I say causing her to roll her eyes. "I love you,"

"I love you too," she says with a smile. I lean down giving her a peck on the lips before rolling off her standing up and walking towards the door.

"Come on," I say turning to look at her. "Food won't cook itself,"

3rd person POV

"And I remember that fight 2:30 a.m cause everything was slipping right out of our hands," Marley sings dancing around the kitchen while making breakfast with Sam. Sam turns around from his spot at the stove to see Marley dancing around singing into a knife.

"Ok, ok, you are allowed to be cute," he says reaching over and taking the knife from Marley. "But let's do it safely,"

"Hey I was using that," Marley says pouting slightly.

"Yeah as a microphone," Sam replies returning to the stove to flip a pancake. "You may continue, " Sam says looking over his shoulder.

"Nope," Marley says shaking her head. "You killed the vibe,"

"Oh I killed the vibe," Sam asks as he moves the pancake off the heat and starts a new one. Marley nods. "Ok, that's fine, I'll just continue for you,"

"Oh, oh no that's ok," Marley says her eyes going wide.

"I remember how we felt sitting by the water," Sam sings along to the song playing.

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ~ 𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ