Bebe Numero Dos........15

333 11 1

"Hello my absolutely stunning wife," Sam says walking into the living room. Marley was eight months pregnant, due in the next couple of weeks, meaning that she could actually give birth any day now. 

"What do you want?" Marley asks narrowing her eyes slightly at Sam. 

"To shower you in unconditional love," Marley narrows her eyes even more.

"I'm hungry," She says not giving up her stare. Sam walks out of the room. "That's what I thought. Unconditional love my ass..." She starts trailing off when Sam walks back into the room ice cream in hand. 

"You were saying?" He asks with a sly smirk before sitting down next to her. 

"Sorry," Marley mumbles as Sam hands her the ice cream and a spoon. 

"Don't apologize, you can't control hormones," Sam says smiling at his wife's mood swings. The couple sits in silence Marley eating her ice cream before she noticed something. 

"You didn't get yourself a spoon," She states looking at Sam's spoon-less hands. 

"I don't need a spoon,"


"Because I'm not eating the ice cream?" Sam says even though it was obvious. A small pout sets on Marley's lips as she looks down at the pint of ice cream in her lap. 

"You need ice cream," Marley decides scooping some up with her spoon before sticking it in front of Sam's face. He chuckles in reply before taking the ice cream off of the spoon. 

"Hormones make you a mess," He chuckles as Marley continues to happily eat her ice cream offering Sam a bite every so often. 


"Hey baby you did great," Sam says grabbing Marley"s hand she smiles up at him softly. Sam hears the vibration of his phone and briefly looks away to check it. When he looks back at Marley he notices her trying to keep her eyes open. "You can go to sleep you know?" Sam says looking down at his wife.

"But I want to see him," She mumbles as a nurse walks into the room the new baby in her hands. 

"Ok, but then sleep," Sam replies as Marley gets handed the new addition tot he Wilson family. Sam's phone starts vibrating a signal that he's getting a call. "It's Sarah, probably asking about Riley and the baby I'll be back in a second," Sam tells Marley who was looking down at the child in her arms. Sam steps out of the room to answer his sisters brief call, not long after he was moving back into the room. "Hey babe, Sarah and Buck are going to pick up Riley and Cass then make their way over here," He says walking in the room looking at his phone. "They want to meet the new little..." He trails of as he looks up to see both Mother and Son sleeping. "I knew you were tired," Sam says a small smile forming on his face as he walks over to Marley repositioning the baby in a way where he won't fall. 


"Hey," Sarah says with a soft knock on the door frame. Sam looks up from the bundle in his lap smiling at his sister before bringing a finger to his lips gently nodding his head in Marley's direction as she was still sleeping. Sarah nods before looking back and saying something to someone behind her. Quietly Sarah walks into the room Riley and Cass following behind with Bucky bringing up the rear.  Sam stands up as Sarah walks up to him. "Is this him?" She asks looking at the new addition to the family. 

"No we stole so random family's child," Sam says with a straight face looking at his sister.

"Can I hold him?" Sarah asks completely ignoring her brothers sarcastic statement. Sam chuckles softly but hands the infant gently to Sarah. 

"Hey kiddo," Sam says to Riley as Sarah coos over the child now in her arms. "How was school?" He asks as she moves to give him a hug. 

"It was really good, I made a new friend and he's really nice, even though he makes fun of me for sitting on the floor sometimes," She says smiling as Sam listened intently. "But it's fine because we like a lot of the same stuff, and like I said he's really nice to me. His names Alex and he kind of reminds me of Peter, with a little bit of Morgans attitude," She finishes, her father smiles at her excitement. 

"Well I'm glad you had a great day," Riley stays silent for a minute before looking up at her father. 

"Can I meet him?" She asks hope in her eyes. 

"Of course, he is your little brother," Sam says before looking over to where Sarah was standing  Bucky and Cass now standing with her. "We might have to steal him back though," Sam says making Riley laugh. Eventually, Sarah gives the baby to Sam who takes a seat next to Riley. Carefully he passed the baby over until Riley was carefully holding him. 

"What's his name?" She asks looking at her father. 

"Andrew, Andrew Lucas,"

"His nickname is going to be Drew," She says looking down at her little brother.

"I think it's perfect," Sam says before he notices little Drew starting to wake up, but instead of crying, Drew looks up at Riley with big eyes. 

"Hi Drew," Riley says in a small voice as Drew stares up at her. "I'm your big sister," Riley says giving the baby a small smile. Sam smiles at the duo before quiet voices ring through the room. 

"Morning sleepyhead," Bucky says once he notices Marley slowly waking up. She let's out a small groan before turning her head and closing her eyes again. Bucky walks over to her bed side before starting to poke her arm. "Come on, your eye's were just open," he complains continuing to poke her arm. 

"Did you just push a child out of your tiny ass dick?" Marley asks not opening her eyes. Bucky doesn't respond but he stops poking Marley's arm. "That's what I though, now leave me the fuck alone," She says eyes still closed. 

A/N: I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for this supper late post... I promise I'm going to force my self to start writing more, I already have the next chapter started.

I take that back it might be a day or two because life has decided to bite me in the ass and I'm currently trying to keep my emotional self in check

Any way did y'all eat? Drink? Talk to someone? I know some of y'all probably don't think talking to people's important but it really really is. I love all you you all make my day so much brighter in really sorry about the delays. I hope y'all have a great night/day :)  ~M

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