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A couple of moments later we pull into a parking garage of an airport. Our small group gets out of the car Bucky standing on the far side by himself while Sam walked over to me wrapping me in a hug. A small smile grows on my face as I lean into his chest I don't know what's going to happen after this so I savor this moment while I can. I hear a noise behind me and see a white van pull up and park beside us, out of the front seats comes Wanda and someone I can't see yet as they walk around the car. My face lights up as I see the familiar figure with arrows on his back walk around the van. What can I say I love my bird boys.

"Barton?" I question making him look at me, his normal smirk grows on his face as he nods his head towards me.

"Garcia," He then repeats the gesture towards Steve. "Cap,"

"You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice," Steve says to him.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides... I'm on your team. Thanks for having my back." I look over at Wanda who just shrugs.

"it was time to get off my ass."

"What about Pietro? And our other recruit?" Steve questions looking from Wanda to Clint.

"They are ready to go, had to put a little coffee in them but... they should be good," Clint says sliding the Van door open so we are faced with Pietro sleeping on the seats and none other than Scott Lang sleeping on the floor of the van. The noise from the door opening woke up Pietro causing him to fall off the seat onto Scott waking him up in the process.

"Really dude?" Pietro questions as his body get pushed off of Scotts by him sitting up quickly.

"What time zone is this?" Scott questions as he sits in the car.

"Come on come on." Clint coaxes both people out of the car. Pietro gets up immediately walking to his sister while Scott stands in front of Steve emphatically shaking his hand.

"Captain America. It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow. This is awesome. Captain America. I know you too, you're great. Jeez. Look, I wanted to say. I know you know a lot of super people, so... Thanks for thinking of me" He finally lets go of Steve's hand before spotting Sam and I. "Hey guys,"

"Hey Scott," I say at the same time as Sam who replies with "What's up tic-tac,"

"Good to see you. Look, what happened last time was a..." Scott trails off slightly not knowing how to bring it up. Before Sam could finish the sentence I did.

"It was an amazing thing that I just so happened to have caught it on video, and will never let Sam down for it," I say shooting Scott a bright smile before turning my head to look at Sam who was giving me a dirty look.

"You caught that on video?" He asks me.

"" I say more as a question than an answer.

"Anyway," Sam says. "Last time was a good audition, it will never happen again though." He says with a pointed look towards Scott who nods his head.

"Did he tell you what we're up against?" Steve questions looking at Scott.

" Something about some... psycho assassins." he replies.

" We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

" Yeah, well, what else is new?"

" We should get moving." Bucky says from his spot, causing some people to jump.

" I got a chopper lining up." Clint says as our group starts to walk away only to get stopped by a blaring alarm saying something in German. Bucky, and I share a look, being the only ones that understand Russian. ( please correct me if I'm wrong, Wanda and Pietro don't speak Russian right? Don't they speak Sokovian, or do they use Russian in Sokovia...)  The people around us are questioning what the alarm is saying so we respond at the same time.

" They're evacuating the airport,"

"Stark," Steve says earning a question from Scott that he doesn't answer. "Suit up," he says instead. Sam turns me around to face him with a serious look on his face.

"I need you to leave,"

"I'm not going to leave you what if something happens?" I ask him.

"You need to leave, you told Tony you weren't choosing sides and I'm going to hold you to that,"

"I never said I was going to help you, I just said I'm not going to leave you,"

"Well if you're not leaving then you are going to sit by this car, alone, not doing anything, in view of that camera so that if we get caught we have proof you didn't do anything. If Tony's here he's with the government that means we have a good chance of going to jail, and I am not taking you with me." Sam finishes the look on his face tells me there is no room for arguing. So I nod my head and pull him close to my chest.

"Go suit up bird brain," I say pulling away  "I'll be here when you come back. When we win." I finish packing him on the lips before pushing him away to go put his suit on. I open the door and reach into the car for the pair of earbuds I brought with me, sitting in a car with Sharon was really boring, I climb onto the back of the car sitting in view of the camera before plugging in the headphones turning on music and drowning out the world.

The only thing I had left was hope, hope that everything would be ok, hope that all my friends would come back to me. Hope that things would go back to normal.

A/N: not me thinking this chapter was going to be short then it turning out longer than the last one...

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