Convention of Love?.........27

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^^^^Ngl This title sounds really cheesy...... oh well.

3rd person POV

Marley walks into Nats bed room only to be faced with Nat, Pietro, Wanda, Rhodey, and Vision.

"Sit," Pietro says nodding to a chair in the middle of the room. Marley mo es over to the chair and sits while Nat moves behind her to close the door. "Tell us about the song," Pietro demands enfatically making Marley jump back a little bit. Wanda puts a hand on her brothers shoulder.

"Piet, this isn't an interigation. We don't want to scare her." She says and Pietro backs off. Nat and Rhodey sit on the edge of Nat's bed while the other three sit or stand around the room.

"What exactly is this?" Marley asks completely confused.

"Think of it like a check in, or a convention?" Rhodey said.

"Convention? Check in? Is this supposed to be and intervention?" Marley asked getting slightly annoyed, she did not need and intervention.

"It's not an intervention, we've just noticed somethings and want to talk to you about them." Nat said trying to calm Marley down while shooting Rhodey a dirty look.

"What things have you noticed?" Marley asked not prepared for the answer.

"How strong your emotions are towards Mr. Wilson." Vision says.

"Sam? That's who this is about? Nothings going on between me and Sam." Marley says to the group if people in front of her.

"That's the problem, I can't read your mind, but even if I could I wouldn't need to. It is so obvious how you feel for each other, both of you." Wands says from next to your brother. Nat reached out putting a hand on Marley's shoulder.

"I know things are hard with your past  you made that clear the other day, but you have to tell Sam how you feel. Both of you are so oblivious." She said.

"Extremely oblivious," Pietro adds, Marley rolls her eyes at his comment.

"I've been trying to tell him, for the past two weeks now. Everytime I try my brain shuts me down. Forcing the idea that I don't deserve what I want down my throat making me back off and not tell him."

"So what's something you won't ever stop doing, even if something in your past tells you too?" Rhodey asks to which Marley had and immediate answer.

"Music, singing, and dancing, and writing music." She replies.

"So that's how you tell him." Pietro says.

"Leave the rest up to us." Wanda finishes. With a bird if her head Marley leaves the room going back to her own to finish her work in progress song.

A/N: and another one gone....

This one also sucked, but the next two chapters are the last two if part two!!!! They should hopefully not suck as bad!! ~M

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