The Ring........1

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"This is for you came from Wakanda," Rhodey says sliding a small box towards Steve as he walks into the lab. "You got that thing up and running yet?" He asks as he walks over to Bruce. That thing was a pager, it's like a telephone, but for old people. They didn't know who the pager alerted, or if the person was even alive, but it was their only lead right now.

"Not quite yet," Bruce says answering Rhodey's question. " But i think I'm almost there," He says, as they talk Steve takes the package and walks out of the room, a feeling of dread washed over him when he first laid eye on the package. He knew what it was, but he didn't want it to be true. He didn't want to believe that Sam was actually gone, that Marley would never see him again, the swan** and the falcon two birds that weren't meant to be apart. Steve walks to his room making sure the door was fully shut before placing the package down on his desk and sitting in the chair.He stares at it, he stares at it for so long he looses track of time. Finally he reaches forward and grabs the package opening it.

Two letters and an even smaller box, that's all that was in the package. Steve reaches for the shorter one first.

The rebuild in Wakanda is going slow, but we are getting there, I hope your team is doing ok. I found this in the Lab while cleaning, he told me to send it to you. ~Okoye

Steve didn't even have to asks who the 'he' was supposed to be, he knew as soon as he gave the small box a closer look. Slowly Steve sighs letting his head drop back onto the back of the chair. he places the box back onto the desk and picks up the longer letter.

Steve, man I'm really getting tired of you having to cover for me. If you got this then I'm not there, either I did something stupid, Thanos won, or both. I know Marley's probably a wreak, heck you might be too. Don't lie if you are, it's ok to be upset even if you're Captain America.

Steve lets out a small chuckle and continues on reading with a small smile.

I'm giving you the ring, because you're the only person i talked to about it, you're the only one who knows what to do with it. One more thing, while you're doing me favors, keep and eye on Marley, she'll try to let her self go, she'll try to give up. But she can't, please don't let her, i know you're close with her, but you didn't see her when her dad died, please don't let her go off the deep end. ~Sam

"Shit," Steve says under his breath his head falling back onto the back of the chair. This was real, and it was time Steve faced the truth. Sam was gone, he wouldn't have left the ring if he wasn't, or if her was coming back soon. Sam was gone and now it was time for Steve to fulfill his favors. Keep the ring, and pick up the pieces of Marley that Thanos broke off with one snap of his fingers.

Steve continued to sit at the desk, his eye looking over the small box every so often. He hadn't seen the ring yet, he just didn't know if he could bring himself to open the box. Eventually he reached forward taking the small box into his hands before opening it. His breath caught when he saw it, it was so Marley, and yet extremely Sam. It was the perfect combination of both of them. The ring was a dark gold, the band itself had a thin band, with a set of wings on the front. In the wings sat a stone, a stone that appeared a foggy white to the normal eye, but when put in the light it sparkles with every color of the rainbow.

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A knock on the door interrupts his thoughts.

"Who is it?" he asks.


"It's unlocked," Slowly the door opened, and in walked Natasha closing the door almost all the way for privacy. Her eyes scan over Steve and his position and she cocks her head. That's when she noticed the open box in Steve's hand.

"Is that?" he asks trailing off as she walks towards Steve.


"It's so.... them," Nat says as she looks at the ring from over Steve's shoulder. The duo falls into momentary silence. "He was going to do it that night," Nat says.

"Yeah, but we got the call from Wanda," Steve says as the duo continues to look at the ring.

"Then the dumb ass left the ring in Wakanda,"

"What a dumb ass," Steve agrees, which shocks Nat for a moment.

"Wow you must be really upset," Steve gives Nat a questioning look from over her shoulder. "You're using some pretty foul language," She says a small smirk growing on her face.

"Really Romanoff?"

"Anything to lighten the mood," She smiles before looking back at the ring. "We'll get him back, the birds will be reunited," Nat says. To which Steve nods.

"We'll get them all back,"

A/N: here's the first chapter, sorry I cant do more tonight I just really feel like crap emotionally, so I'm going to call it a night writing wise, but I'll still be up to reply to comments and talk if anybody wants to :) ~M

**(Iforgot to add this earlier) if you don't know/ remember, the scentence with the two astrics by it is a reference to a hero name I made for Marley in a previous chapter, the name being the Black Swan. So that's what that means.

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