Year four.......7

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Sammy, I have wonderful news, in your absence I have fallen back in love with the arts. I have written a couple songs, I can't wait till you're back and I can share them with you. I haven't shared them with any one else yet but I think they're good. I also looked through those pictures, finally, the team really did like taking pictures of us. I really miss you, I'm pushing through though, I feel like the answer to this whole situation has something to do with Quantum Physics but I, I just can't figure it out. I hope I'll see you soon.


"Hey Morgan!" I exclaim as the Stark family walks into my apartment. "How's my favorite little girl?"

"Oh, Hey Stark's," Steve says as he enters the room. "I wasn't aware you were visiting,"

"We're just dropping Morgan off actually, Marley said she'd babysit,"

"I have to do something to keep my mind off the impending doom of my relationship," I says as I smile at Morgan, ii was well aware that the trio shared a look but I ignored it. Getting Sam back has been my number one priority since the snap and I have absolutely failed. So I'm doing what any human would do, slowly giving up.

"On that note, Pepper and I have to go. Your are Morgans favorite person on the entire earth so I have no doubt she will behave for you. Steve on the other hand, have fun." I watch as Pepper sets down Morgans stuff before being pushed out the door by Tony. I chuckle at the new parents not fully understanding why they're in such a rush to get rid of their daughter.

"You know, Tony says that I'm the favorite, but Morgan is obviously a daddies girl," I say to Steve as I sit the three year old in front of the tv.

"Is she supposed to be doing that?" Steve asks making me look back over at Morgan who was lying on the couch with her head hanging off.

"She's fine, she knows not to sit like that too long," I say going back to what I was doing. "Ready to have some toddler fun?"


Sammy, I really wish you were here right now to see this, a couple weeks ago Steve and I babysat Morgan so Tony and Pepper could have the day off, and Steve fell in love with this child. So much so that he offered to babysit anytime. So today, were babysitting again, and when I tell you this three year old has Steve tied to a chair and is forcing him to watch veggie tales with her, I am not lying. He keeps giving my pleading eyes like I'm going to help him. But I refuse. You'd love her, I mean like really love her. Like Jacob from twilight I will do anything for your daughter kind of love. She kiindof reminds me of you, it's little things, but their still there.


End of year four

"Marley I hate this child I am never babysitting again!" I hear Steve shout from the kitchen. I chuckle to my self and shake my head before putting down my pencil and walking out of my room.

"I thought you said you had it covered?" I ask blindly walking into the kitchen. When I look up I see a disaster area. A pants-less Morgan running around the island while Steve follows pants in one hand, food in the other. On the walls and counters were splatters of food that was unwanted and/or disliked. On the floor there was a big puddle of spilled juice, not visible unless you were standing at the right angle. I watch with my mouth open as Morgan expertly jumps over the invisible puddle and continues her race around the room. I can't stop the laughter from bursting out when Steve lands directly in the juice puddle causing him to slip and fall landing on his butt. The food Steve was holding goes flying up into the air, Morgan stops in her tracks, I watch from the doorway as the food falls right on to Steve only causing me to laugh harder. I hear Morgans joyous giggles form the other side of the room and extend my arms bending down slightly, Morgan sees this and comes running right into my arms. "Can you explain to me why the kitchen is such a mess?" I say to Morgan still laughing slightly as Steve glares at us from the floor.

"Da, food monster was chasing me," Morgan says a bright smile on her face.

"Was he? Was he trying to feed you food you don't want?" Morgan nods her head rapidly, to which I chuckle. "What food is it you want?"

"JUICE POPS!!!!!!!" Morgan shouts flinging her hands into the air. I laugh at her reaction walking over to the freezer.

"You are just like your father," I say as I retrieve her juice pop and walk her into the living room sitting her down in front of the tv. I walk back into the kitchen pulling my phone out of my back pocket.

"Come to help me clean up?" Steve says from the ground, my only response is a camera click from my phone. I then walk to the freezer and grab myself a juice pop.

"Tony wanted an update,and I forgot my juice pop," I says before leaving the room to go join Morgan in front of the Tv.

A/N: I could not resist, I had to do at least part of a chapter, with Steve babysitting Morgan, because I just feel like he wouldn't know like how to deal with an unruly toddler, and it would be the funniest thing ever.

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