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~Nine Months~

Marley awoke to movement from the other side of the bed. She rolls over hoping to find a body to curl up with only to find empty space. Slowly she sits up looking around the room.

"Babe," She says once she spots Sam. "Why are you up? You don't have any missions for like another week,"

"Shit," Sam says jumping slightly at Marley's voice. "I didn't mean to wake you," He says walking over to her. Marley lays back down as Sam approaches sitting down next to her.

"Why are you up?"

"I have some plans for this morning. I was hoping to get them done before you get up,"

"Come back to bed," Marley says a small pout forming on her lips. "At least for a little while?" Sam checks his phone looking at the time 6:50. He had about ten minutes (Hopefully) until Riley wakes up.

"Fine," He says looking at his wife. "Five minutes," He stands up walking around the bed sitting against the headboard. He opens the arm closest to Marley and, she wastes no time snuggling into his warmth.  Sam smiles down at his wife who is finally getting the sleep she needs, curled into his side with her arms around his waist. It's like they were teenagers again. Sam runs his hair aimlessly through Marley's hair massaging her scalp and occasionally twirling strands around his fingers. He feels and sees Marley's body relax as he plays with her hair, he smiles finding the weakness adorable. Not even a minute later Marley's breathing slowed, she was fast asleep.

Sam stayed for the full five minutes like he said he would, then he tried to make his escape. Marley however did not like that. Her grip around his waist seemed to tighten as he tried to slide away. He mentally curses his wife's clingyness as he tries to slip away without waking her.  As if on cue Riley starts crying at seven o'clock on the dot, just as Sam walks through the door.

"Hey baby," he says picking up the now nine month old child. "Do you want to go with Daddy to get mommy a surprise?" He asks bouncing the girl gently in his arms. Riley gives Sam a big smile in reply. "Yeah? That's what I thought. Let's go get you some breakfast," he says walking out of the room.

An hour later Riley was fed, changed, and dressed, Sam made a note for Marley in case they weren't as quick as he thinks they will be. He also got him self dressed, and made coffee. Currently the father daughter duo were in the car on the way to their first stop.

"So little bit here's the game plan," He says as he drives. "Your mother has been working very hard. So we let her sleep in, and make coffee for her to wake up to, that's already done. Now we're going to pick up breakfast, at her favorite spot of course. We stop at the farmers market, pick up some flowers. Hope to make it home before she gets up," He says nodding to himself. He hears clapping from the back and see's Riley clapping her hands at nothing. "Great to see you approve of the plan," He says even though she probably has no idea what he said. The duo stops to get breakfast first since the restaurant was farther out then the market. They then circle back going to the farmers market to pick up flowers. "Ok babes, we got to be quick," He says taking Riley and her carrier out of the car.

They move pretty quickly through the market finding the right vendor to get flowers. Sam let Riley help pick them out loving the smile on the little girls face. After they get the flowers they start to walk back through the Market. Sam and Riley both spot an animal rescue vendor.

"Do you want to go look at some animals?" Sam asks looking down at Riley. He didn't even wait for the child to reply before walking over there, his inner child to impatient to wait.


When Sam walk into the kitchen with breakfast and the flowers he see's Marley sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee reading something on her phone.

"Hey baby," He says kissing Marley on the cheek. "We got breakfast, even though it's more like brunch now," He says looking at the clock. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long," She says putting down her phone and looking into the bag of food Sam set down. "No way," Marley says looking up at Sam who was putting the flowers into a vase. "You got me blueberry pancakes?"

"I know what my girl likes," Sam says with a shrug setting the flowers down in the middle of the table.

"Those are beautiful," She comments.

"Riley picked 'em out,"

"She did?"

"Yep, she was really proud of her self too," Sam says chuckling. Marley gets up without another word walking into the living room. As she walks through thee door way she stops in her tracks. She just wanted to see her daughter.

"Samuel Thomas Wilson," She says from her spot. "Why is our child playing with a puppy?"

"Well you see that's a part of your surprise," Sam says walking up behind her scratching the back of his neck.

"A puppy?"

"Well we were walking back to the car from getting your flowers and we saw a rescue shelter with a lot of animals," Sam explains cautiously. " So I went to show Riley to the animals. She met this guy and got attached,"

"There's no way she got attached that quickly,"

"She did, and it was like bawling her eyes out if i walked away, kind of attached," he continues as Marley goes to pick Riley up. "So I adopted him,"

"So you impulse bought a puppy,"

"And a kitten,"

"A kitten!"

"Well you see, The dog was raised in the shelter, and he had a best friend. They were so cute I just couldn't separate them, so I got the kitten too," He explains. Marley just stares at him. " And we always talked about getting pets so I figured why not," he says with a shrug. "There both nine weeks old, they've had basic training, and hey they can grow up with Riley now," he finishes with a hopeful smile on his face. Marley Narrows her eyes at Sam.

"If they make a mess, at any point in the first mo the you're cleaning it up," she says. "You're also reasonable for finding a place for all of their stuff, that's not in the way," She says.

"Yes ma'am," Sam says with a nod trying not to show his excitement. Marley rolls her eyes at the man child in front of her.

"Let it out," she says talking about the excitement. "Then come eat, we have animal names to plan," She says walking past Sam and into the kitchen  with Riley. She laughs to herself as she listens to Sam's cheers of joy from the next room over as he celebrates with the new members of the family. "Let me tell you," Marley says putting Riley in her high chair. "Your father is a handful, "

A/N: y'all I had this idea where either Marley of Sam impulse adopts pets and I could not get it out of my head so here you go!!

What should out two new furry friends be named?

Puppy: male, golden retriever >>

Kitten: female, nutrel tone tabby >>

I hope y'all had a great day/night today :) keep rocking :) ~M

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