Goodbyes and Good lucks......9

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Marley couldn't stop thinking about what Pietro said. Did she really have feelings for Sam? No, there was no way, they were just best friends. But if that was the case then why was Marley walking towards the security room looking for Sam before she left? Why did she feel the need to say goodbye, even though the conversation they had an hour earlier should have been goodbye enough?

"Hey, " Marley said walking into the security room. "We're uh... Getting ready to head out." She said standing in the doorway.

"Ok," Sam replied, turning around in his chair. "I'll be here," he said flashing a smile. "Hey do me a favor will you."

"That depends, I'm not letting you win the next time we play Go Fish," Marley says smirking slightly. Sam laughs.

"That's not what I was going to say and you know it," Sam said, his smile slowly dropping from his face being replaced with a slightly amused look.

"Shoot," Marley said to her best friend.

"Don't die," Sam said getting up from his seat and walking closer to Marley. "I'm serious, I already lost Riley because I couldn't protect him. I just got you back I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me, Sammy," Marley replied closing the gap and wrapping her arms around his neck. She knew that the loss of Riley destroyed him, she just wished she could've been there when Sam needed her most. It's been a while since Marley had been in the embrace of her best friend, and needless to say, it was something she missed. She always felt safe with Sam, it was something that she couldn't explain. "I'm pretty sure  Nat would kill Steve if he let me die on the job,"  Marley said finally pulling away.

"She wouldn't be the only one," Sam said and they both chuckled. Wanda rounded the corner and walked down the hall towards the security room. She was tasked with finding Marley so the team could leave. Since she hadn't found a way to break through her blocking yet Wanda opened her thought to the closest person she could think of to Marley.


Based on his thoughts there was really only one place Marley could be, and that was with him. As soon as Wanda opened her thoughts up to Sam she was overwhelmed with pictures and thoughts. The majority of them were about one person.


So that's where Wanda decided to look first, the last place Sam was seen. The security room. Wanda stops by the doorway just as Marley was walking out. "Hey, Stark told me to tell you to get your butt to the Jet we need to leave," Wanda said her Sokovian accent very prominent in her speech.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Classic Stark," Marley says stopping in the doorway. Sam stops behind her.

"Damn girl, Red really is your color," Sam said to Wanda from behind Marley earning him a smack in the chest from his best friend.

"Stop flirting with Minors, Wilson. I swear Riley taught you too much." Marley said as Wanda turned away to walk down the hall. Marley went to follow her but was stopped by Sam grabbing her wrist. She turned to face him and he pulled her into another hug.

"Stay safe." He whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine.

"You know I will." Marley pushed out trying to seem normal. With that, she pulled away and started walking down the hall thinking to herself.

'What the fuck is going on with me?'

A/N: I have made the decision that I will be productive today..... we'll see how long that lasts, I'm thinking maybe a couple of hours..... yeah...

Have a great day!!~ M

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