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It's been about two weeks since Stark's last party, and I haven't told anyone about the realization I came to. Why would I? Training went back to normal, and Steve apologized. So now my only problems were mental. I've gone back in forth in my head about telling Sam my feelings for the past week. There are times when I'll go to tell him but my past comes slithering in like a snake and stops me dead in my tracks. So I cope with writing music. I've written three new songs, and I'm working on a fourth.

Sam and I have hung out a lot over the past two weeks, we are best friends after all. but now that I know things I didn't before, everything has changed. I notice how my entire life I've felt safe in his arms, how my entire life I've loved his laugh, and his taunts, and his smile. Now that I notice these things, other things have started sticking out. things that have changed since we were kids. Like how he could spend hours talking about his wings while he fixes them, talking about the tech and how he's fixing them. How he forces people to talk to Red Wing like it's a living being. Other little things as well like how he'll tackle me on my bed to wake me up instead of doing it like a normal person, or how he dances around the kitchen while he does the dishes (only when he thinks no one is watching). My brain is killing me for thinking about the things I do, and liking the things about him I like, but I can't stop it. I know that I don't deserve love, but I think It's trying to force Itself upon me. 

Today I'm sitting in my room at the compound messing around with my mini soundboard and a song I've written.

"Are you gonna kiss me? 'Cause, you're taking me home. It's four in the morning are we doing this wrong?" I sing laying down a simple beat while adding other stuff to it.


3rd person POV

Rhodey stops outside of Marley's bedroom door, it was cracked open and he heard her singing. Rhodey doesn't usually eavesdrop but this time he couldn't help himself.

"This weekend I saw you, through eyes that were new. You got me falling for you, and I kinda want to." He hears Marley sing, quietly Rhodey steps closer to the door pushing it open. "Tell me what you mean is it all me? Start to overthink everything. When you're close to me I can't breathe. We're already six feet deep." Marley continues as Rhodey watches from the doorway, Marley was sitting on her bed, focused on her mini sound bored. She was messing with beats and sounds trying to funkify the song. "Let's fuck up the friendship, come get in my head, baby cut the tension I'm hung by thread. Maybe it's something, but let's not pretend-" Marley was cut off by her door flying open and a dazed Rhodey tumbling in.

"You good Yellow Brick Rhodes?" She asks looking over the side of the bed.

"Yeah. Pietro tripped me." He replies as he stands up. "Quick question, was that song for anyone specific?"

"No..." Marley says slowly shaking her head.

"You sure?" Rhode asks skeptically.

"....yeah" Marley replies with hesitation.

"Ok meet in Nat's room around eight-thirty," Rhodey says and walks out of the room to find the others. This left a stunned, and confused Marley sitting alone in her room.

A/N: and another one gone!!!!

(Btw I do not own the song used in this chapter, I liked the video by the original artist up top :))

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