the aftermath...19

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The moments directly after the snap were the hardest, nobody knew how to react. Almost every one just watch friends and family turn to dust, that's not something you just forget.  Marley stays with Nat while Rhodey sweeps for any stragglers, the team wasn't surprised when he came back by himself. Bruce stitched up the cut on Marley's arm eventually, she didn't know when, just like she didn't know when she stopped crying. The left over heroes boarded their jet to go back to the Compound, leaving the Wakandans to analyze the damage.

The jet ride was silent. Steve flew, Nat and Rhodey only left Marley's side when the other was with her. Rocket was in the corner, by himself, not saying anything, so was Thor. Bruce didn't know what to do, they lost, they failed bigger then they ever thought they would, so big that they may never get to redeem themselves.

"How are we going to get them back," Marley asks the silent group of heroes.

"I don't know if we can," Steve says from his spot after a moment of silence.

"Don't says that Steve," Marley  warns quietly. " We're the worlds mightiest heroes, we can beat a goddamn grape nut-sack," She says growing more aggravated, nobody responds. Slowly the jet lowers to the ground outside the compound. "Now does anybody have any ideas on how we're going to get them back?" Again the group is silent, Marley nods her head standing up and walking towards the now lowering ramp. "Fine I'll do it myself,"

"Marley come on, you don't need to figure it out right now, today was a long day take a break," Nat says trying to reason with the girl.

"I don't need to do this right now?" She asks turning around. "I don't need to start finding a way to get everyone back right now? If I don't do it then who will?"

"Come on Mar, just for the night, you can start working in the morning," Rhodey says walking up to Marley who had tears in her eyes again.

"No, I can't, I can't wait because you see I need him back, and nobody is going to stop me until I get him back." She says a tear slipping form her eyes before she turns around and walks towards the compound. Thor left the jet without another word, Rocket sulks out after him, Nat shares a look with Rhodey, Steve, and Bruce. This loss broke the team, now they're going to work extra hard to put it back together. They walk out of the jet and towards the compound.

For the next couple of days Marley stayed in the lab, she did anything she could think of to get her closer to bringing Sam back. She didn't leave the lab, she didn't sleep, she barely ate, she was playing music so loud you could hear it halfway across the building. The girl really did spend to much time with Tony.

"Friday, music down," A voice says and the music turns down. Marley doesn't move as the music turns down, she doesn't move at the sound of foot steps approaching her. "Marley? Oh hun..." Pepper trails off once she sees the state Marley's in. At the sound of her voice how ever Marley turns around.

"Pepper," She whispers when she sees the woman who had helped her through so much. As if it were instinct Marley wraps her arms around the red head pulling her close as if she were her mother.

"Why are you doing this to your self hon?" Pepper asks softly as she hopes the girl.

"I lost him," Marley replies quietly pulling away. "I lost him and I don't know what to do," Marley goes to get up to walk around the table but stumbles and falls. Pepper lunges to catch her pushing her back into her chair.

"Well I think I know the first thing you should do, when is the last time you ate?"

"I don't know," Marley says softly after a moment of silence. "Two, three days?" She says with her head hung low.


"I don't know," She says again. "Maybe 52 hours without and like 20 cups of coffee,"

"Come on let's go get you some food," Pepper says helping Marley to her feet and out the door of the lab. Marley doesn't fight, she just let's Pepper lead her to the kitchen even though she's not hungry.

"Hey babes, " Nat says once the girls enter the kitchen.

"Hey Nat," Marley replies quietly. Rhodey enters the kitchen not long after.

"Whoa, would ya look at that! Tony 2.0 lives," Nat gives him a look from across the room. "Too early?" Nat slowly nods her head. "Too early got it,"

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