Truth or dare - trauma = a fun night.........25

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It was past midnight, almost everybody had left except for Rhodey, Sam, Nat, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Steve.... you get the gist of who stayed. ( if you don't the team stayed....) We were all currently sitting around the couches some on the floor some not, playing truth or dare, again. This time was different though, this time I wasn't holding back mass amounts of trauma. Around and around we go not really any rhyme or reason since some people were drunker than others.

"Marley!" Tony practically shouts from next to me. needless to say, he was really drunk.

"God Tony I'm right here," I replied looking up at him since I was sitting on the floor.

"Truth or dare?" he says lowering his voice.


"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room." I look around the room, for about ten seconds, and immediately come to two choices.

Nat, or Sam.

"What if I can't decide?" I ask wanting to see how the group would respond.

"What do you mean you can't decide? Is it not a simple answer?"Rhodey says from the chair across from me.

"Well, you know.....Bi panic." I say with a shrug.

"Ok yeah that's fair, you get a free pass," Tony says and I nod my head.

"Ok umm... Steve truth or dare."


"God your such an old man... uhh is it true you...." I pause to think about a good truth, that's when I remembered something Nat told me. "Is it true you kissed Nat once?" His face immediately turns ream and I smile my goal being complete.

"I mean yeah but like..... technically we were on a mission."

"No technicalities about it dude, you still kissed her." Pietro butts in.

"Pietro no one said you could drink, your like sixteen," I tell him snatching the beer from his hands.

We continue to go rounds somethings got interesting.... around two-thirty we decided to cut the drinks but we continued to play and some questions got deep.

"Jamacia" Rhodey said (Bob Marley is a Jamaican singer, therefore nickname Jamacia.)

"Yes, yellow brick Rhodes," I reply.

"Truth... or dare"

"Umm... I think I'll go with Truth this time."

"If you had to describe the number one person  you couldn't live without with one song, what would that song be."

"Damn Rhodes, ok..." I hear someone mumble right before I answer. I already had the person and the song.

"Easy, Daydreamer By Adele." The group goes silent.

"You answered that pretty quickly," Rhodey said.

"I may have thought about this before," I say with a shrug.

"That must mean you think of that person a lot," Tony says from behind me.

"Maybe I do," I shrug again and a small smile creeps onto my face as I think of the number one person I couldn't live without.

"Oooh do tell," Nat spoke up even though I'm pretty sure she already knew.

"Nope, that's for me to know, and for none of you to figure out until I want you to," I said while I started to move to get up. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to bed," I say without even thinking, it's so late no one's probably going back to the compound tonight.

"I think Marley's in love," Wanda says from her spot next to her brother. I turn around. Again I reply.

"Maybe I am," I turn back around and walk out of the room, On my way back to the guest room I realize something.

I'm in love with Sam Wilson.

A/N: Another one bites the dust

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