New York........ 17

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"You hungry?" Sam asks sitting down next to Marley. The trio was currently on a plane heading back to the states. Silently Marley shakes her head. "Are you ok?" Again Marley silently shakes her head. "Hey," Sam says putting his hand on her cheek gently forcing her to look at him. "Talk to me,"

"That was Steve's shield," She says looking at Sam. "A shield that belonged to a man who fought for the innocent since the 40s. I just watched a man who likes to compare himself to Steve shove that shield in to a mans chest multiple times, something Captain America would never do," Sam doesn't say anything as he pulls Marley into his chest. They sat like that for a couple of minutes not saying a word. "Can we uh- go to New York. Nat said Bruce is at tehe compound and I need to be checked out anyway, and i promised Nat I would visit soon. But I don't I don't want to go alone,"

"Someone needs to check on Sarah so how about this," Sam says gently pulling away slightly to wipe away the couple of tears on Marley's face. "We call Nat or Rhodey, and we land in New York first, that way you're not alone, I'll stay with you until one of them comes to pick you up. I'll fly home check on Sarah, then get a flight to New York. Or If you want to leave before that take one of the jets, we might be able to fit it in the garage," He says making Marley crack a smile. "There's that smile I love, sound like a plan?" Marley nods her head. "Great lets call Nat,"


"Hey Bruce," Marley says walking into the compound lab a few hours later.

"Marley! Long time no see," He says looking up from what ever he was working on. "Wheres Sam? You two are usually inseparable,"

"He went back home, to uh- check on his sister, we've got a situation going on but, we're covering it pretty well," Bruce nods his head at Marley's words to show that he's listening. "About that situation um do you think you can do me a favor?" Bruce looks up concern writen all over his face. " I got kicked in the stomach by a super soldier, but it hurt a lot more then it has in the past, mix that with headaches, feeling like shit, and not being able to eat a lot in the past week I decided I should probably get checked out figure out what the problem is," Marley says. "Even though I already have an idea," She adds on quiet enough that Bruce doesn't hear her.

"Yeah of course I can do that, let me finish up this one think real quick, it'll only take a couple of minutes,"


"So, everything looks fine," Bruce says walking to where Marley was siting, they had just finished running a couple of tests. "but, I think I figured out why you haven't been feeling the best," Marley holds her breath, these next words will either be great or be bad. "You're pregnant," Marley lets out a breath. Definitely not the worse of the two options. " already knew that?"

"I had a couple theories, didn't know anything for sure. Thank you," She says standing up to give Bruce a short hug.

"Any time,"

"What were you working on?" Bruce and Marley walk back to where Bruce was working. They talk for about 20 minutes before Marley gets a call. "Sorry I have to take this," She says pointing to her phone screen which flashed with Sam's name and a picture of them. "Bye Bruce," She calls before answering the phone and walking out of the lab.

"Hey Sammy,"

"Hey baby, hows it going?"

"Sam, you just talked to me like three hours ago,"

"Didn't ask, answer the question,"

"good, everything's going good. I just finished up in the lab with Bruce he ran some tests turns out everything's fine, How's Sarah and the kids?"

"There a lot better, Sarah's a little shaken up but there ok,"

"That's great," Marley says letting out a breath as she walks down the compound halls on autopilot.

"Any way I really called you not only because I missed your lovely voice, but to tell you that the earliest flight I could get was tomorrow morning,"

"Oh, ok,"

"It's pretty early so I should be there before breakfast,"

"That'll be a nice thing to wake up too," Marley says with a smile. She stops outside her old bedroom the one she used to share with Sam, the one she still does when they stay at the compound. "Hey uh Sam, when you get here tomorrow we need to have a talk,"

"Oh my god, are you breaking up with me? Did you get divorce papers already? Is it because I gave over the shield?"

"No no no, Sam stop," She says trying to calm Sam down. "It's nothing like that ok? I love you, so much. This is a good thing, or at least I think it's a good thing, I really hope you think it's a good thing. If not I'm kind of screwed," Marley rambles on now starting to worry.

"Hey, Mar, chill out, if you don't thinks it's bad then it probably isn't ok? We'll talk tomorrow and figure it out, whatever it is,"


"Ok, get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning, i love you,"

"I love you too Sammy,"

"Good night beautiful," he says before hanging up the phone.

A/N: I think I think I think I think I can get one more done tonight!!!!! We'll see :)

I hope you all are having a great day :)

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