Maryland...... 5

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"You ok?" Sam asks Bucky who was staring off into space. They were on a plane back to where they came from. Marley was passed out lying over the seats across from Sam.

"Let's take the shield Sam, let's take the shield and do this ourselves,"

"We can't just run up on the man, beat him up, and take it," Sam says slowly sitting up when Bucky  responded with silence. "Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?"


"I'll help you in case you forgot, Sharon was branded enemy  of the state, Steve, Nat, Pietro, Marley, and I were on the run for two years, I don't know about you, but I don't want to live the rest of my life la vida loca. I've got a wife, I want kids, I want to spend my life with a family. We just got our ass handed to us by super soldiers and we have nothing,"

"That's not entirely true," Bucky says moving from where he was sitting to a spot next to Sam. "There's someone I think you should meet,"


"What are we doing in Maryland again?" Marley says as she walks with Bucky and Sam through a Baltimore neighborhood.

"We're going to visit someone," Bucky replies.

"Hey, It's Black Falcon, what's up?" A kid says as the trio passes.

"It's just Falcon kid," Sam says as they pass.

"No, no, My daddy told me It's Black Falcon,"

"Is it because I'm black, and I'm the Falcon?" Sam asks stopping in front of the kids, Bucky keeps walking without the two Wilsons.

"Well, technically, I mean, yes," The kid replies.

"So are you, like, Black kid?" The kids sigh a Sam laughs. "I got him didn't I?" He asks the other kid.

"Come on dork," Marley says pulling on Sam's hand and walking in the direction of Bucky.


The trio walks out of the house, Marley trailing behind the boys letting them argue. She hears her phone ringing and looks at the screen.

"Hey Tony, I can't really talk right now," She says after answering the phone. She slows her walk a little not wanting Tony to pick up on the conversation that was happening in front of her.

"Why? What are you doing?"

"Sam and I are with Bucky in Maryland, following a lead for the situation we've got," She says looking down at the ground. "Sam and Bucky are arguing but what else is new," She says before looking back up. "Fuck, and now there are cops," She hang's up on Tony as she walks towards Bucky and Sam. "Why are there cops here?" She asks the boys who just shrug, one of the cops come back.

"Mr.Barnes, I'm sorry but there is a warrant out for your arrest,"

"He got pardoned for all of that," Marley says looking at the cop.

"It's not about that, you missed your court mandated therapy. It's like missing a check-in with you PO, I'm sorry but you're under arrest," Bucky makes a face but goes willingly. Marley and Sam watch as he gets put in hand cuffs and put in car. Marley's phone starts to ring again, she blindly answers.

"What do you want Tony, I told you I couldn't really talk,"

"Might want to check the caller ID before answering the phone," Nat says,  Marley sighs as she starts to walk with Sam.

"Sorry Nat it's been a long couple of days, "


"Tony's complaining, he wants in on the call," Nat says from over the phone

"So he can hack on to the phone line or something, he's a genius he can figure it out," Marley and Sam were sitting in a waiting room, someone had bailed Bucky out, they were waiting for him.

"Sam, Marley, I've heard a lot about you," A woman says walking up to Marley and Sam. "I'm Dr. Raynor. I'm Jame's therapist," Marley and Sam both get up greeting the woman.

"So nice to meet you," Marley greets shaking her hand.

"Thank you for getting him out," Sam says completing the same action.

"That was not me," Dr. Raynor says matching Marley's smile.

"Christina," a shout comes from the doorway. The trio looks in the direction the voice came from to see John Walker walk through the door surrounded by people. "It's great to see you again,"

"You've got to be kidding me," Marley groans connecting her Bluetooth earpiece to her phone so she didn't have to hold it.

"Ooh whats happening," Tony's voice rings over the phone.

"It's Walker," Marley says as Sam continues to talk to Dr.Raynor. Marley had already filled Nat in, she decided to leave Tony in the dark for the conversation to come. "Here we go," She says under her breath as Walker walks closer.

"Walker?" Tony asks, obviously he doesn't watch the news.

"Yeah you know the new Captain America? Yeah he's a total sexist douche bag," She says making sure he heard the last part. Sam squeezes Marley's shoulder, a silent command that she went to far. "I'm sorry, you're not a douche bag, just sex," Marley says looking at Walker.

"Hey beautiful it's good to see you too," Marley cringed at his words but didn't says anything. In her ear Nat was filling Tony in on what happened the last time Marley was in Walkers presence. " You know this is a symbol of forgiveness," Walker says looking at Marley, the voices on the other end of the phone go silent. Sam freezes looking between Marley and Walker. "I forgive you, for what you did to me,"

"Forgiveness," Marley says looking at Walker. "I hope you don't expect any back, because I don't think I'll ever forgive you for calling me a whore, because that was a low blow. Not only did you disrespect me, multiple times, and make me extremely uncomfortable, you disrespected Sam, when you suggested that I sleep with multiple men, and that is something I don't stand for. You can disrespect me all you want, but when you touch my family, that's where I cross the line,"

"I will remember that the next time I see you," Walker says.

'You should start remembering that now, and quit calling me beautiful. It makes me uncomfortable, and I know some people, who you would very much piss off," Marley ends the conversation there as her focus turns to Bucky who was walking through a set of doors.

A/N: I'm really sorry you guys, I'm sorry I haven't posted more then one lousy chapter a day, I'm sorry this chapter isn't that great... Idk what's up... ~M

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