"Hi. Can we talk to you?" Jason asks after nodding at the shadowhunters. Alisha nods and says goodbye to Alec and Izzy. Once the Lightwoods leave, Jason and Isaac sit beside Alisha on the bed.

"What's up?" She questions and the brothers glance at each other sadly. "What? What happened?" Alisha asks noticing their glances.

"We're going to Idris." Jason states. Alisha stares at him, clearly shocked.

"What?" She questions, her throat suddenly dry.

"The Clave want us to train since our large time off being a shadowhunter." Isaac says and Alisha turns her head to look at the younger boy.

"They also want to see how we survived the soul sword." Jason adds.

"They want you to be their lab rats?" She questions.

"Not exactly lab rats Lisha." Jason states and the girl scoffs.

"You realise that what you just said was so incorrect." Alisha comments with a scoff. "They don't care about your time off, you've been on loads of missions since then for fucks sake!"

"Alisha..." Isaac tries sadly but his pleas fall upon deaf ears. Outside, Alec and Izzy listen from outside, already knowing about the brothers transfers to Idris. They look at each other sadly.

"No! Your gonna end up being some sort of test!" Alisha shouts as she stands up.

"Stop." Jason warns, still sitting on the bed.

"You know I'm right." Alisha says and Jason suddenly stands up.

"Your just doing this because you don't want us to go! Your being selfish!" Jason shouts.

"I'm being selfish?" Alisha questions rhetorically. "How is being worried about you being selfish."

"Don't." Isaac says, also standing up. He notices his brothers expression and attempts to stop him.

"You know what? We told you hoping that we'd spend our last few lives together, you know, like old times. But no." Jason shouts. "You've changed. What happened to always being our sister? What, you've given up on us too?" Alisha's face immediately softens.

"J..." she trails off, not really knowing what to say.

"No." He states and then rushes out of the room. The hybrid blinks back tears as she turns to Isaac, the boy quickly engulfing her in a hug.

"I'm sorry." she says before beginning to sobs loudly. Izzy frowns as she feels the sadness through the rune, Alec mirroring her actions as he hears the girl he loves break down.

Around an hour later, Alisha walks in the training room to see Jason and Isaac saying goodbye to Alec, Izzy, Jace and Clary. As soon as they notice the girl, the four step away from the brothers. The hybrid walks over to Jason, stopping a few feet in front of him.

"Your right." She says, Clary and Jace looking at Alec and Izzy, not knowing what happened between the three. "I've been hypocritical and a shitty sister."

"Alisha..." Isaac begins but she ignores him.

"I made a promise and they shut you both out. I was being selfish earlier and it was completely out of order. As much as I don't want you two to go I know you both do, so who am I to stop you." She finishes. Jason smiles at the hybrid.

"It's okay, and I shouldn't have been so harsh earlier." Jason says a she wraps his arms around the girl. The four shadowhunters come over and join the three.

"Don't hurt her." Isaac says to Alec who nods.

"Of course I won't." He responds, pulling Alisha into his side.

"I'm serious." Isaac states.

"So am I." Alec says. The two Lotova's nod at Alec who shakes their hands after the three other Shadowhunters said their goodbyes. Suddenly a portal opens up behind them. The guilt fills Alisha, knowing that she hadn't spent much time with the two of them before they leave. She brings Isaac into their hug as they do a group hug.

"Keep in contact?" Alisha says in defeat, knowing she can't do anything. Tears flow down each of their faces, none of them knowing when they'll see each other again.

"Of course." Both brothers smile as they hug one last time, before disappearing into the portal. As soon as the portal disappears Alec kisses the girls head whilst whispering comforting things in her ear as she cries.

★ ★ ★

a/n ok hear me out, originally, I was gonna kill the brothers but then I cried a tad too much so I switched it to them leaving for Idris.

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