80 | you don't know jack

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"Thanks," Azalea smiled sarcastically.

"The point is," Jack returned to the subject, "You have a real shot here. I'm not gonna let you blow it. So, to help you train you for your belt test I managed to convince one of the best and best-looking black belts to stop make sarcastic comments and actually help you guys."

"Gary from Super Kicks?" Milton and Jerry gasped hopefully.

"See - they deserve nothing more than my sarcastic comments," Azalea narrowed her eyes at the boys. "Now - listen up. Normally I try to not tell other people what to do-"

"Yeah, sure," all the boys scoffed.

"Remember that I am the youngest black belt in the state," Azalea told them, "Now, let's begin with Jerry. For your black belt test you are gonna fight off three attackers at once - so now I'm gonna show you how it's done and remember the most important thing to think about is - I was twelve when I did this so I will always be more accomplished than the rest of you."

"And humble," Jack muttered, a teasing smirk on his face.

"All right," she looked at three other black belts that they had called to the dojo for practice, "Come at me guys."

She bowed and the match began. The first guy ran at her and she flipped him over before the other two attacked. It took her less than fifteen seconds to have all three lying on the floor in defeat.

"Wow!" Jerry exclaimed, "If I have to do that to get my black belt I'm gonna have to train harder than I've ever trained before."

"I told you fear is the best teaching method," Azalea smirked at Jack who wrapped his arms around her waist.

"That was hot," he told her.

"I know."


Jack neared the dojo after having grabbed a snack at Phil's to hear music coming out of the building. Having his suspicions about what it was he entered to find a party in full swing inside.

"He's not gonna fail us, he's our boy," Jerry said in what Jack assumed was an attempt to calm Milton. "So let's crank up the music and-"

Jerry backed into Jack's chest and when he realised who it was he yelled, "and crank it right back down, people!"

Jack looked at Jerry angrily before motioning for the DJ to turn off the music. "I had nothing to do with this," Milton promised them, "I was sucked into this tawdry shuffle that was a nightmare of flailing arms and swaying hips. Oh, and mother help me! I liked it!"

After his little monologue Milton stormed away. "Jerry," Jack said, "You are wasting my time and Zalee's. Where is Zalee?"

Azalea stormed into the dojo ready to murder Jerry, "You left me waiting in the park for the past two hours," she hissed at him, "I thought maybe you got attacked by that crazy lady."

"What crazy lady?" Jerry frowned.

"Me!" Azalea snapped, "Because you left me waiting in the park for the past two hours." She tried to attack him but Jack held her back. That's when she noticed all the other people in the dojo and her anger only increased. "LISTEN UP EVERYBODY!" she said loudly so everyone could hear her, "The party is over. Get out!"

"It's clear you are not ready," Jack told Jerry, "I'm cancelling your test and suspending you from the dojo."

"Wh-" Jerry tried to say but Jack continued.

"You don't deserve to wear a black belt," he untied the black belt Jerry had tied around his waist and Jerry's pants fell off.

Jack and Azalea walked over to the smoothie bar where they would wait until everyone had left so they could teach Milton who actually deserved their attention.

kickin' it | femina bellatorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu