Chapter 109

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Seferiye Hatun smiled as she touched Aiyla's cheek, but after a moment, Seferiye Sultana's smile fell.

"You need to be aware of something, Aiyla. Others might ignore everything that comes out of my mouth because they think I'm still ill, but I know that you will trust what I'm about to say instead of thinking that I've gone crazy." Tapar's grandmother spoke quietly.

Aiyla was confused as she followed Seferiye Hatun into the carriage, where no one dared to follow.

Soon, Aiyla stepped out of the carriage. She saw the carriage as it ventured out of the tribe.

What Seferiye Hatun had disclosed to Aiyla began to make Aiyla's head hurt more. It confused her while it pained her at the same time.

Aiyla looked around to see Sencer give her a look, gesturing toward the direction of their childhood tree. She soon followed him, but she didn't notice that someone who saw the exchange between them had followed her. 

Sencer was up the hill near the tree from his and Aiyla's childhood, "I thought it was best for you to stay in the tribe now since there's a wedding after all." Aiyla told him as she made it up the hill.

"We'll go back quickly. I just wanted to apologize." Sencer told her.

He touched the tree, "I remember; it was under this very tree that I promised to help find your father's grave. But I'm sorry I didn't help, I was too busy. That's why I'd like your forgiveness, and it's okay if you take your time to forgive me. Just know that I'm sincere with my words. I will search for information about your father soon. I will let you know anything that I find, even if I just find a grave, I'll tell you. We will both go water the grave and pray for his soul, I promise."

Aiyla sighed while she tiptoed carefully to grab a leaf from the tree, "Forget about my search. I think being stabbed and thrown in the middle of the woods is a sign from God...that I should probably stop searching. If my mother wanted my dad in my life, then she would have at least taken me to his grave or even told me more about him. More importantly, I'm sorry for my outburst, sorry that I lashed out my anger on you. I just wanted to make the traitor pay."

Sencer frowned upon hearing her words. He knew that searching for her father had caused her many troubles, but he never knew that Aiyla was capable of giving up.

"Since when does Aiyla give up?" Sencer questioned her. Aiyla shrugged her shoulders in reply.

"Trust me, that I understand. I do, but I can't live knowing my loved ones are in danger. Have faith that we will catch those who have ill intentions against our state. More of all, if Sabbah is the traitor, then know that he'll pay the price for your suffering, Aiyla. Please stay away from him and take care of yourself." Sencer spoke confidently.

Aiyla looked up at Sencer; she knew him too well. She knows when he is lying to her and when he is honest.

She sighed, "Tamam. I'll stay away from Sabbah. I'll forgive you as long as you forgive me."

Sencer laughed, "I swear, you sometimes never fail to amaze me."

"I know; you probably missed me being around," Aiyla said matter of fact.

Sencer smiled, "I do, but you're married and have your own life. But I still come whenever I can, I just tell our tree my problems, joys, and everything in between."

"Wow, I see how it is... You replaced me with our tree. The disappointment, though." Aiyla sighed sarcastically.

"I brought someone today to the wedding. I wanted to show her where I live and my family, so it's good you came." Sencer told Aiyla.

Aiyla remembered something, "Is it the important matter you had to take care of? You literally ditched us that day in Isfahan for the important case?" She teased him.

"Well, the important matter has become even more important now." Sencer laughed.

"Hmmm, of course, if you brought her to the tribe today. What are you hinting at? That next wedding in the tribe is probably going to be your wedding?"

Sencer laughed, "Interpret it in whatever way you would like, Aiyla."

"Tamam, that means I should start to prepare the wedding gifts for the soon-to-be bride in the family."

Sencer smiled, "Let's go back to the tribe."

"Tamam, Your Highness," Aiyla mumbled as they went down the hill.

Aiyla went to her own tent. She was happy to see it clean, all thanks to Başulu Hatun.

Time passed, and Aiyla could hear the crowd cheer for the wedding festivities. She decided it was time to sit with the rest of the tribe, even if she was tired, out of respect for the bride and groom.

Aiyla made sure her appearance was still intact as she got out of her tent. She made her way through the crowd who moved aside for her. She made her way up to where the others were seated, nodding to Korkut Bey.

She sat down next to Başulu Ana, "Where were you, Kizim? You had me worried that you weren't going to join the festivities." Aiyla held Başulu Hatun's shoulder, "I spent some alone time in my tent, but seeing that you missed me this much, it looks like I made a good decision in coming now." Aiyla teased.

Aiyla smiled at Tapar, who stole a glance at her. She looked beside Tapar, only to see Sencer busy looking at the person sitting beside his mother on the other side.

"Başulu Ana, is the person beside you, Sencer's guest?" Aiyla whispered into Başulu Hatun's ear. Başulu Hatun nodded with a smile.

Aiyla decided to introduce herself to her future sister-in-law, "I'm Aiyla. What's your name?"

"Turna. I've heard about you." Turna Hatun told Aiyla.

"Hopefully, you heard all the good things. Sencer tends to spill my embarrassing moments more than he needs to at times."

Turna laughed, "I haven't seen you in the tribe before. Are you always traveling?"

Aiyla smiled, "No, I'm here with my husband today. We don't live in the tribe, but it remains my home."

Turna nodded at Aiyla. "But you, on the other hand, start packing. Being the soon-to-be bride for the Kınık Tribe will take up a lot of your time. Though you shouldn't worry, Sencer will help you. We all will." Aiyla teased her with a smile.

Başulu Hatun smiled at Aiyla as Turna's cheeks turned pink, "Welcome to the tribe, anyone dear to Sencer is dear to me." Aiyla told Turna while holding her hand.

Turna smiled gratefully, seeing Aiyla's sincerity in her eyes.

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