Chapter 88

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Aiyla got up quietly, making sure not to awaken Tapar.

She made her way to the washroom to freshen up, on her way there, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror in the small hallway.

She looked at herself, she then looked at the direction where she left Tapar sleeping.

She felt guilt consume her slowly, he deserved better than this. Better than to sneak around just to spend time with her, though, some thought she was dead, others believed she was exiled for being a spy.

Aiyla didn't want to be an obstacle in his way, a barrier in him achieving his goals.

As she entered the washroom she felt someone hug her from the back, Aiyla chuckled, "I was trying to be quiet so you don't wake up...Are you leaving now?"

"No, I'll leave later."

"How much time do we have till later?" Aiyla asked him as she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Why are you asking?" He laughed slightly.

"Just because...I'll make some food for us to eat. It'll be your first time tasting my cooking."

"Sounds great to me..."

"Don't make assumptions, my cooking is quite good." She dropped her arms down to her sides.

"I didn't say anything against your cooking, Aiyla." Tapar chuckled at her facial expression.

"Your face said it all, but get out of here." She told him.

"I thought you were going to cook for us though..."

"After, I finish washing up and getting ready then I'll cook." She spoke as she pointed to the exit.

"I could stay here and help you." He reasoned with her.

Aiyla smiled a bit as she pushed him slightly, "Help me with what? I could help myself, thank you very much. Maybe, just maybe, next time you shouldn't make assumptions about my cooking before even tasting a single bite."

"I didn't say anything though."

"I know, but still your face was too obvious." Aiyla said as she nodded towards the exit.

"Tamam." He mumbled to himself as he left.

Aiyla laughed as she locked the washroom, she felt that hope was somewhat nearby.

At the meantime, Başulu Hatun looked up as Omar Khayyam walked towards her, "Is everything okay with Sencer?"

"I'm here for Aiyla. How could you let Sultan Meliksah believe that she is a spy? How did Nizamülmülk let this slide by him?" She spoke in frustration.

"You mean Aiyla Hatun? We can't go against the orders of Sultan Meliksah, she was found guilty of being a spy and she was exiled as a punishment."

"Isn't it wrong to allow an innocent person to suffer such a punishment? I know this type of pain because I have experienced it and to this day I still suffer the consequences of it." She spoke as a tear escaped her eye.

"I'm not here to shout at you or anyone, I'm sorry. The girl is very dear to me, entrusted by her mother."

Khayyam sighed, "I can't help you, forgive me."

Başulu Hatun looked away before sighing, "Aiyla's mother gave me a small bag, it contains letters and similar things, she told me to give it to you."

Başulu walked away from him as she continued to speak, "I was shocked when she mentioned your name, but she said to give it to you once Aiyla is no longer living in the tribe...So much happened that I couldn't bring you the small bag until now."

"I don't know anyone who's daughter is named Aiyla..." Khayyam commented.

Başulu Hatun shrugged her shoulders, "She said that you will protect her daughter and something about how you will correct her wrongs."

She gave him the small bag as she started walking away, "I'm not giving up on Aiyla even if you all gave up on her already." Başulu Hatun spoke sternly.

"Başulu Hatun, wait."

She stopped walking, turning around to Khayyam waiting to see what he wanted.

"What's the name of Aiyla Hatun's mother?"

Başulu Hatun spoke up before leaving, "Aysun. Aiyla's mother was Aysun Hatun."

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