Chapter 12

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After bathing and changing into the clothes gifted to her by Seferiye Sultana. Aiyla was supposed to attend breakfast even though she had declined nicely. Still, Seferiye Sultana insisted on how leaving the room will benefit Aiyla.

Aiyla heard someone knock and ask for permission to enter, and as soon as she heard Elçin Hatun's voice, she felt happy.

Elçin walked in and smiled at Aiyla.

"MashAllah, you look beautiful." Elçin spoke while looking around the room.

She noticed the beautiful gifts that were placed all over the room.

"Looks like you caught the Sultana's heart, Aiyla. She seems to care a lot about you." Elçin laughed softly.

"Yeah, she seems very sweet, but I'm not sure if it's because she thinks I'll become her grandson's soon-to-be bride or if she genuinely likes me." Aiyla sighed.

Elçin took the hair comb, "I'll comb your hair for you. But sit down so we can talk."

"Tamam, as you say," Aiyla replied as she sat down, allowing Elçin Hatun to comb her hair for her.

"You're a young, beautiful, and courageous hatun. MashAllah, any guy would want you. Aiyla the important thing is for you to agree because marriage is a beautiful yet complex thing."

Elçin continued, "Melik Tapar has it all, but that means nothing if your heart doesn't feel the need to beat faster than usual when he is around you. Allah has written everyone's fate. If Melik Tapar is fated for you then he will be a part of your life no matter what. If he isn't destined for you, then no matter how much you try, he will never be a part of your life, well, at least not in the way you desire him to be."

Aiyla sighed, "My stomach has been twisting and turning since I first saw him, but I do not want to be selfish."

Elçin nodded, gesturing for Aiyla to continue talking.

"Seferiye Sultana and even Gevher Hatun have spoken to me about this marriage. They seem determined that I'm suitable. But that's what's holding me back from agreeing." Aiyla spoke quickly.

"What if I'm not actually suitable? Not worthy?" Aiyla ranted out her worries.

"First of all, it looks like you are interested in him. Secondly, you are more than worthy. You should be confident in your worth, Aiyla Hatun." Elçin spoke boldly.

Aiyla laughed softly, feeling a bit better after hearing what Elçin Hatun said.

Aiyla wished Sencer's mother was here to support her on what to decide, but Aiyla remembered that Melik Tapar was also her son. She became even more upset, knowing that she wouldn't be able to enter the palace.

Elçin put Aiyla's hair into a braid and wrapped it up.

"Be careful of Terken Hatun. She doesn't seem fond of me, and she looks like she will not take your presence here nicely either. But if she approaches you nicely, just be careful around her." Elçin Hatun warned Aiyla.

Aiyla took Elçin Hatun's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Thanks for the warning, but I would like to warn you about being careful with whatever you are planning," Aiyla spoke gently.

Aiyla knew deep down that Elçin Hatun had likely made plans that revolve around finding her brother, who is held, prisoner.

Elçin stood quiet and nodded, understanding what Aiyla had meant.

"Let's hurry up, being late for breakfast might seem improper for us to do." Elçin told Aiyla as she put a headdress on her head.

Aiyla smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Seferiye Hatun will be delighted to her that you agreed to this marriage." Elçin Hatun smiled.

"How did you know I was going to say yes?" Aiyla questioned with a confused expression on her face.

"Aiyla Hatun, you wanted to say yes right away, but you were conflicted, which made you not agree right away but let's be honest, the moment I saw the secret glances you stole at Melik Tapar the first time I met you, I knew that Allah somehow had something in store for the both of you together."

Aiyla laughed while grabbing onto Elçin's arm and walking out the room, heading to the dining hall.

Walking through the palace gave Aiyla an odd and chilly feeling; it's as if it's telling her to leave before she drowns too deep to the point Aiyla can't save herself.

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