Chapter 87

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"I wish I was there beside you, that I was there for you when the pain got too much for you to handle. I wish I was able to comfort you that night, I wish I never left you alone. If only Allah could rewind our time, then I would have never left you for a second." Tapar spoke, feelings of guilt and sadness could be sensed behind his words.

Aiyla nodded softly, "I'm not sure it matters anymore, what matters is the present, what matters is both of us being here. That you believe in me. We finally reunited, maybe not in the most expected way, but it doesn't matter, I'm happy." Aiyla spoke genuinely.

Aiyla stared off before speaking up again, "How did you find this place? I mean how did you find me?" Aiyla questioned him, curious on how he found the house.

Tapar looked straight into Aiyla's eyes as he spoke, "Rüstem quietly told me, I was the only one around him at the moment. He told me where to find you but that I shouldn't trust anyone with what he had just told me. At first, I was furious that he even mentioned you and was going to strangle him but he kept repeating about how you needed help. There was a chance it was a trap set by the Batini but for some reason, I listened to him and found this place. I got lost a bit but I managed. I'm happy that I found you finally."

"Rüstem? This guy...You never know when he's helping you or tricking you. But he did save me in the end. After thanking Allah, Rüstem is the second one to thank or else I would have been a captive in the clutches of the Batini. You might have never had the chance to ever see me again if I had been kidnapped by them."

"Tamam, he saved your life but he's a bad person, Aiyla. What do you expect from someone who ended his own mother's life?" Tapar told Aiyla.

Aiyla was sad to hear that Rüstem's mother had passed away, deep down she hoped that Rüstem repented for his sins and took his mother away from the merciless Batini.

"He was a more conflicted person than a bad person." Aiyla spoke quietly remembering what Rüstem told her after they reached the safe house.

"It doesn't matter, his fate is obvious now."

Aiyla nodded at Tapar's words.



"You can't come here to see me." Aiyla spoke confidently.

Tapar was confused while replying, "Why? You are my wife."

"You are a Melik. You have many ambitions, but if it's figured that you are seeing me while I'm in exile, then those ambitions will become even further away from you, Tapar. It's bad for you to even be here right now."

Tapar held the sides of Aiyla's face gently, "I could decide for myself what's good and bad for me. Being here with you is one of the good decisions I've made recently, Aiyla."

He stepped closer to close a bit of the gap between him and Aiyla.

Aiyla closed her eyes as she felt Tapar leave delicate kisses at her jawline, as he kissed down her neck, she was conflicted on whether to push him away.

She wanted him, but she didn't want him to get in trouble.

Aiyla decided to be selfish as she kept her eyes closed, she pulled him closer instead of pushing him away.

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