Chapter 45

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As they got to the room, Aiyla went to stand by Gevher Hatun. Aiyla just looked straight ahead, but she could sense Gevher was annoyed that Terken Hatun was the Head Hatun now.

Aiyla herself wasn't delighted by the news but decided that Terken was not that important to pursue right now.

They all stood straight as Terken Hatun walked in and sat down.

"You should know, there won't be an ant building a nest, and there won't be a spiderweb without my knowledge," Terken spoke out loudly.

Ya Allah, give me much-needed patience, especially with this Hatun.

Terken continued talking, "You won't buy a candle without informing won't change something's place. People who disobey will get punished."

Firdevs spoke, "May the obedience ceremony start."

MahMelek was thrilled to run towards Terken Hatun.

As she finished kissing her hand, MahMelek smiled while speaking out loudly, "May it be blessed, my Hatun mother."

"My MahMelek," Terken spoke as she held her daughter's chin softly.

MahMelek went happily back to stand where she was before. It was Gevher's turn, and Aiyla wanted to laugh but refrained herself from doing so. What a sight will this be.

Gevher went up.

"May it bring you blessings." There was a pause as Terken gazed upward to Gevher.

"Head Hatun." Gevher finally added, and then that was when Terken Hatun raised her hand for Gevher to kiss.

Aiyla was trying to come up with reasons not to kiss Terken's hand but was coming up with nothing.

It was Aiyla's turn. Gevher gave Aiyla a look that meant not to cause trouble. 

Aiyla smiled as she approached Terken.

"MashAllah, May everything you planted with your own hands come back to you, Head Hatun," Aiyla spoke while smiling.

"What do you mean, Aiyla Hatun?" Terken questioned quickly.

"Of course, I meant everything good you did. I wished that it would be returned to you at the end. As they say, do good and good things will happen to you." Aiyla replied.

Terken just kept staring at her but finally lifted her hand for Aiyla to kiss.

Aiyla bent down and kissed it.

Terken then smirked as Aiyla stood back up straight again. But Aiyla wasn't fazed and just kept smiling.

They finally were dismissed, and Aiyla was the first one to leave, but Gevher caught up to her.

Gevher grabbed her gently, "For now, don't say anything or do anything to get on her bad side. Terken Hatun can be ruthless. Something is happening in the palace."

"Tamam, Gevher Hatun. I'll mind my actions and words to the best of my abilities. But yes, something is burning up slowly around here, and if we don't figure it out, it will leave permanent damage." Aiyla said to her.

"Tamam, then remain alert," Gevher warned Aiyla.

Aiyla smiled, "You as well, stay alert."

Gevher nodded before leaving.

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