Chapter 105

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Aiyla had been busy crying in the washroom, like a complete mess. She was overly emotional as so many emotions were eating her alive. She felt guilty for her behavior towards Sencer. On the other hand, she felt overly jealous that Tapar was with Gevher. She was looking forward to spending time with him, seeing that she has no one else.

She wiped her tears and got out of the washroom. Aiyla stormed into the main room to lay on her bed. Aiyla closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep. Sleep helped her cope with everything these days, from the pain she felt to the unexpected emotional outbursts she had.

As night fell upon Isfahan, Tapar soon made his way to Aiyla's room. Gevher's earlier outburst had made him change his mind about spending the night in her room and decided that Aiyla wouldn't give him a headache.

The moon wasn't visible when Aiyla awoke from her sleep, her entire body was sweating excessively, and her head was miserably pulsing in pain. Aiyla felt like she was drowning in sweat, so she got up, trying her best not to fall back onto the bed. She wasn't aware of her husband on the other side of the bed, who happened to be fast asleep because she was paying attention to the little girl trying to open the door so she could leave the room.

Aiyla got up quickly to follow the little girl but stumbled to the floor in silent agony. Her entire body ached as she stood up. Aiyla pushed her hair out of her face to see better, though it didn't help her since her vision had become blurry.

The little girl was wandering the hallway as Aiyla kept following her, "Hey! Hey, küçük kız!" Aiyla yelled out to the little strolling girl.

Aiyla kept trying to keep up with the girl, but she felt something push her towards one of the balconies. She looked down the hallway to see that the girl was no longer visible. The haunting pull kept pushing her towards the balcony. Aiyla followed the shadow to the balcony, and she stepped on the edge of the balcony to follow the shadow that lingered at the edge.

Aiyla looked up to see the moon away from the night sky, and then she looked down to see a fallen body. The body startled her when she realized it was her body that had fallen, "That's your future." A young voice scared Aiyla, making her almost slip from the balcony.

"Who are you?" Aiyla spoke to the little girl who was standing beside her on the edge of the balcony.

"You can't see me?"

"No, your face is blurry," Aiyla replied in an honest tone.

The girl took Aiyla's hand and put it on her cheekbone, "Can you see me now?"

Aiyla grabbed her hand away from the girl's face, "Oh God! This is just a dream." Aiyla muttered to herself.

"Doesn't look like a dream to me, more like a nightmare." Younger Aiyla spoke, gesturing to the fallen body.

"No!" Aiyla screamed.

"This is your fate. Deep down, you have given up." The younger version of Aiyla spoke sternly.

"No, you are just lying," Aiyla screamed angrily to her younger self.

"It's time. You can leave." The girl told Aiyla before pushing Aiyla from the edge.

Aiyla's eyes snapped open. She sat up quickly, trying to catch her breath. Tapar woke up beside her, "What's wrong?" He questioned her as he got out of bed and grabbed a cup of water for her.

"Just a bad dream, but I'm awake now," Aiyla spoke as she gratefully took the cup of water.

"It's over now, Aiyla." He told her while kissing her forehead. Aiyla nodded, "You should go back to sleep."

Tapar sat beside Aiyla, "Are you going to go back to sleep?"

"I don't think so..." Aiyla replied while holding his hand. "But you should rest. I'll be fine." She reassured him.

Tapar brought her hand up to kiss it, "We can stay awake together."

Aiyla genuinely smiled at his words but suddenly realized something, "Tell me, why are you here? I thought Gevher Hatun would keep you company tonight."

Tapar laughed, "Your jealousy is something else, Aiyla. I thought you would be happy with me being here instead of questioning why."

"I'm thrilled to have you here, actually, since you are here and you made it clear that we're going to stay up... You should teach me how to get better at playing chess." Aiyla got up to display the chess game in the seating area.

"Oh, you got to be kidding me...." Tapar muttered to himself.

"Come on!" Aiyla laughed. She knew if Tapar wasn't around her right now, then she would be in the corner of the room dealing with her intrusive and agonizing thoughts. She was truly grateful.

Tapar sighed as he got up from the bed, but he smiled when he saw how cautious Aiyla was putting the chess pieces on the board.

"You don't know how to play?"

"I do know how to play. Well, I know the basics. But your father told me that I could rely on you for help. So, teach me." Aiyla told him.

"Hmmm, what do I get in return?" Tapar asked Aiyla.

"Anything you want, under one condition."

"My full attention is on you. Let's get started." He pulled Aiyla towards the chessboard.

An hour later, "I never asked what your condition was...." Tapar realized foolishly.

Aiyla laughed, "Nothing impossible, anything you want under the condition that I win a game of chess against your father." She said as she moved her knight.

"Are you serious? My father plays at least one game usually each day. It's impossible. What a cruel condition."

"Nothing is impossible, as long as I have a teacher who won't stop teaching me."

"Checkmate," Tapar spoke with a smile.

"Why are you smiling while saying that? I thought you'd actually teach me." She complained loudly. Aiyla got up, annoyed, "I'm going to try to go back to sleep, seeing that you teaching me is a dead end."

"Sleep sounds good to me," Tapar commented, but Aiyla ignored him as she pulled the covers over her.

Tapar chuckled as he got on his side of the bed. He pulled Aiyla closer to him and pulled down the covers hiding her face, "We'll try chess again another day. Let's rest like this for now." He spoke softly. Aiyla gave in, and she put her head slightly on his chest, "How about you tell me a story?" She asked him quietly.

"I really don't have stories to tell. Remember, I didn't have my mother with me. The only stories my father told me were related to battles. I don't think battles will give you the comfort you seek."

Aiyla closed her eyes while speaking, "Do you want me to hum a melody that used to help me sleep?"

Tapar just pulled Aiyla even closer and closed his eyes. Aiyla started humming softly, and Tapar smiled as he slowly fell asleep to the enchanting tune.

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