Chapter 33

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"Aiyla?" A gentle voice spoke out.

Aiyla's eyes slowly fluttered open, "Ana...."

"We brought you back home to rest; your legs gave in on you."

Aiyla smiled softly while looking around; she was back inside her home, resting in her bed.

"Thank you; May Allah bless you, Başulu Ana," Aiyla said while looking up at her.

"InshAllah, Aiyla. May He bless us all."

"Ameen," Aiyla replied.

"If Sencer and his warriors didn't arrive at that very moment, then I would have been with my mother," Aiyla spoke calmly.

"Aiyla, you are here with us. We love you a lot; if anything were to happen to you, then we would remain devastated about it for the rest of our lives. You are entrusted to us by your mother; May Allah have mercy on her soul." Başulu said out loud.

"Am I a burden, Başulu Ana? If I had not been entrusted to you by my mother, would you still love me like this?" Aiyla asked.

"Kizim, are you okay? Since when do you question our love for you? Aiyla, Allah brought you to my side just like the moon that appears in the darkness." Başulu spoke while holding Aiyla's hands.

Başulu continued, "My life was all darkness with everything that had happened, my longing for my loved ones and trying to make sure Sencer grew up happy and healthy took a toll on me, but you stood by my side as a light guiding me slowly."

Aiyla broke into tears as she pulled Başulu Hatun for an embrace; she was upset with herself for questioning the love she was given.

"Did anyone bother you in the palace?" Başulu asked Aiyla.

"No, I was just homesick, and that bothered me a lot," Aiyla replied.

Başulu smiled, "Well, now you are here, so no need to feel any type of way any longer. So tell me, how's Melik Tapar treating you?"

Aiyla saw the happiness between the question concerning Melik Tapar.

"He's a caring and loving husband, Alhamdulillah," Aiyla told her.

Aiyla didn't have the heart to say anything negative about Melik Tapar to anyone; she had decided to keep any type of events or arguments between her and Melik Tapar.

She also didn't need reminding that Başulu Hatun was also his mother; there was no need to break her heart over their troubles.

"May Allah bless you both with healthy offspring, InshAllah." Başulu Hatun said happily.

"Ameen, Başulu Ana," Aiyla replied.

Aiyla's eyes were closing slowly again, it was weird, but she felt that the tiredness she was currently feeling would never go away.

Başulu noticed Aiyla's eyes starting to close, so she decided it was best to leave her alone to rest a bit more.

"Kizim, you should rest. I will check on you later." Başulu Hatun spoke as she kissed Aiyla on her forehead.

"I love you a lot, Başulu Ana," Aiyla spoke even though her eyes were closed.

Başulu started to worry about Aiyla as she left outside to see if anyone still needed help caring for their wounds. Even though some time had passed, many were still in pain from the event that had occurred.

Families mourning their losses was a sad sight to see throughout the tribe.

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