Chapter 14

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Seferiye Hatun was delighted with Aiyla's agreement and had already started to prepare everything. Aiyla had prayed to Allah that her decision would not create problems for her, the praying helped her bury the panic within her.

Everything seemed to go by fast. Tomorrow is the day Aiyla officially gets married.

As the moon shone through the dark sky, Aiyla sighed; she hoped to see Sencer's mother before her wedding ceremony. She knew that wasn't possible, which even bugged her more.

She was already nervous. She was leaving her single life and becoming someone's wife. Was she ready for the drastic change? Was all this too fast?

Maybe she wasn't fully ready for such a change, but she knew that with time and patience, she could overcome anything. She knew that Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear.

Even if it were too fast, she wouldn't let that bother her; she'll live each moment as much as she can even though one-moment passing seems like two days passing.

She had prayed to Allah, asking for everlasting patience and a blessed marriage. If she went back to her tribe she couldn't stay alone much longer, so maybe this marriage will get Aiyla out of the loneliness she felt every night at home.

The idea of sharing her husband was not something she ever wanted to think about but who was she to even get bothered by it. Gevher Hatun didn't seem too fazed by the fact that she herself is allowing this marriage to take place.

Aiyla was startled as she heard a knock at the door. Who would come here this late?

Burcak Hatun came in and oddly Elçin Hatun was nowhere to be seen.

"Is Elçin Hatun okay?" Aiyla spoke quickly.

"She is fine but someone wanted to see you. He was one of the warriors who came with you to our tribe." She said quickly.

"Tamam, it must be Sencer." Aiyla was thrilled.

She grabbed a black scarf and wrapped it around her hair. She put part of the scarf as a veil that covered half of her face. Burcak Hatun nodded and they left.

"How will we get past the guards?!" Aiyla asked.

"You are going to see Aslan and you want to grab something quickly. They won't say anything, the sun will be rising by the time we reach the doorway."

"Tamam, InshAllah things go well." Aiyla said.

As they left the palace, they came near a stable.

"Aslan!" Aiyla screamed in happiness.

"Looks like you missed Aslan more than anyone else." Sencer nodded, gesturing his disappointment.

Burcak Hatun had decided to stand outside as a lookout, Aiyla thanked her before turning to reply to Sencer.

"I missed more than just Aslan but Aslan is dear to my heart. A companion to my worries and joy." Aiyla spoke gently as she patted Aslan softly.

"That's why I brought him here. Since I heard that you will be officially marrying Melik Tapar in a couple hours." Sencer spoke.

Aiyla was scared. She didn't know how Sencer felt about this. How did Başulu Hatun think about this entire thing?

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