Chapter 5

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As they reached Anatolia, Aiyla kept remembering the conversation that Sencer and Melik Tapar had at night.

In all honesty, she fell asleep once they settled, but she had awoken from her slumber to find the two brothers indulged in a conversation.

She didn't want to ruin the conversation that was going on between them, so she played that she was still asleep.

Aiyla was upset that Melik Tapar believes that his mother is gone, and it must have been hard for Sencer not to tell him the truth at the same time.

She was lost in her empathetic thoughts but quickly caught Melik Tapar glancing at her. Aiyla wondered if she did anything wrong now again; she always tried not to make a fool out of herself even Allah knew how much she tried.

They reached the settlement of the Seljuks in Anatolia, where they were supposed to bring the sibling of the leader of the Turkmen Kilij Arslan, back to the Seljuk Palace as requested by Sultan Meliksah.

Escorting someone should be an easy matter to get done with, Aiyla thought to herself.

The sooner they get going, the faster this will be all over.

Sencer's brother led them as he stopped and addressed himself to people, "I am Melik Tapar, and we came with the decree of Sultan Meliksah." He said in a stern tone.

A man approached from the front of the crowd of people, "What's the matter, Lord Melik?" he questioned.

The man continued, "You come to our camps only to receive tribute and shed our blood."

Lord Melik ignored and went on to say, "We are here to escort the sibling of Kilij Arslan." pausing for a moment and continuing, "Where is his sibling?" he questioned.

Another different man commented back, "The Sultan killed their father and took one sibling prisoner; is that not enough for him?" He spoke, looking at Melik Tapar.

Aiyla was already in a mental fit on how she jinxed the whole ordeal. Perhaps this will be much harder than she had anticipated.

Aiyla looked around her, and she could have sworn that Sencer and the others already wanted to get down from their horses and strangle them out of annoyance.

The man boldly said, "There is no one here that we can give you."

Great Aiyla thought to herself. Ya Allah, this day is not going to end well. She prayed that Allah gives her the patience to endure it.

Finally cutting to the chase, Bozkuş asked, "Lord Melik, why are you even listening to them?" clearly frustrated with how the two men were speaking.

They all were frustrated.

"Warriors, don't create problems," Sencer spoke.

Sencer spoke again, "Otherwise, you know what price you will have to pay."

This caused Aiyla to hold the reins tightly, hoping that a fight won't break out right now. Melik Tapar seemed to sense her worried state even though her facial expression was not revealing it. He glanced quickly and then went back to stare at the two Turkmen.

As Sencer finished his sentence, the guy yelled out, "Will you kill us too?" as he unshielded his sword, and others behind him followed in suit.

As the Turkmen walked towards them, Sencer, Melik Tapar, and the others went to meet them halfway until an arrow landed between both of the groups before any blood could shed, making Aiyla thank Allah for preventing any blood from spilling.

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