Chapter 84

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Nizamülmülk had been happy to see Hazan Hatun again after so many years, "I know you are still mourning Sibel, but be reassured that we will catch the monsters behind her death."

Hazan stood quiet thinking about Aiyla and how she never got the justice she deserved.

She looked up at Nizamülmülk, "Hace, the flames that erupted that night are still burning inside me, I can't sleep the nights knowing how they burned her in our own home."

"We have the greatest warriors, rest assured they will avenge her." He reassured her before he drifted to sleep.

Hazan sighed as she looked out the window.

Tapar walked in the room, "Hazan Hatun?"

"Yes, how may I help you?" She told her.

He looked around the room and saw that Nizamülmülk was fast asleep, "I'm Melik Tapar, I've heard many great things about you and I came to see you because I need a great healer like you to help with something."

Melik Tapar?

Hazan smiled, she remembered Aiyla as a tear dropped down her face.

Tapar spoke up again, "I'm sorry that I came at such a time, I'm aware that you are still mourning your daughter but it's important. May Allah have mercy on her soul."

"Ameen. I'm willing to help but promise me that you will avenge my daughter. Promise me, Melik Tapar." Hazan spoke with hope that Aiyla's death won't go unavenged. She wanted the Batini to suffer for everything they made her lose.

If only you know what Aiyla suffered, if only you know that it's your wife that I'm mourning right now.

Tapar felt that Hazan's words had a hidden meaning but nonetheless he nodded, agreeing to her words.

"We will bring an end to the Batini, don't worry their end is getting close, Hazan Hatun. But I promise you, your daughter will be avenged."

Hazan nodded, leaving the room with him.

"So what do you need a healer for, Your Highness?" Hazan asked him.

Tapar looked around quickly before speaking, "The lady that served my wife seems to be in need of a good healer like you, you might help her heal or at least see if there's anything we could do for her."

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you care about the well-being of the lady who served under your wife? It's something odd coming from a Melik..."

Tapar stood quiet for a moment, "If you help me, then I will tell you everything you need to know."

"Tamam. We should leave undetected at night since this seems like a private matter you don't want anyone figuring out."

"Thank you for understanding, Hazan Hatun."

He left after he told her where to meet him.

Later after midnight they both arrived at Maryam's home, they were welcomed in by Maryam's grandmother.

"Please see if you could do anything for her?" The grandmother told the healer as she brought them over to where Maryam rested.

Hazan looked at the young lady's state, "Let me examine her and I will tell you what I find."

Tapar nodded, going to the small living room, he walked back and forth, thinking about what Aiyla was doing that very moment.

Hazan sighed after leaving Maryam's side as her grandmother came to stay beside her.

Hazan walked back to where Melik Tapar was waiting.

"What came up? Did you find something that will help her situation?" Tapar questioned quickly.

"No, I mean there's hope, but the hit on the back of her head was deep and she most likely bled for quite a bit before the bleeding stopped. She'll remain in this state until Allah permits her."

Tapar sat down, putting his hands on the side of his head.

"What am I supposed to do now?" He spoke in a low tone.

"Praying will help your worries lessen, but keep hope that a solution will arise soon. Never give up. But why do you need Maryam Hatun to get better quickly?"

Tapar got up, "I'm trying to uncover the truth about my wife. I want to know how exactly it was discovered that she was a spy when she was getting treated away from here. I'm looking for anything that will help her case. I know she is innocent, but my father needs to know she's innocent as well."

Hazan turned to the direction where Maryam was as she smiled.

So, Maryam used to serve Aiyla...Melik Tapar is finally chasing the truth.

Hazan was happy that Aiyla wasn't forgotten, she was determined to help the truth get uncovered even if Aiyla was no longer in this world.

She began to frequently visit Maryam to check on her condition, Hazan had promised Melik Tapar to keep quiet on the matter.

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