Chapter 8

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Melik Tapar looked forward while saying, "Better to die in the battle than to burn alive."

"I agree with Melik Tapar. At least we battle with dignity instead of waiting for them to get pleased with seeing us getting burnt alive." Aiyla sounded her opinion.

"I thought you don't like violence, Aiyla?" Sencer questioned quickly.

"I rather die trying to fight courageously, and this is self-defense since they attacked first," Aiyla assured Sencer.

Sencer seemed to have enough. He spoke clear and looked swiftly at Aiyla and then at his brother, "We will not burn or die." He said while looking at Lord Melik.

Out of nowhere, their attackers were hit with arrows coming from Bozkuş and Aydoğdu.

It turns out that Sencer was prepared and let them both distance themselves away, following Sencer and the others if something terrible occurs.

Quickly, Sencer stood up, throwing the shield in his hand and yelling out, "Now this place belongs to our swords!"

Everyone started fighting. Aiyla had to let go of the comfort she felt while holding onto Melik Tapar's shoulder, much to her dismay.

"Ya Allah!" She drew her sword and started fighting the man coming towards her. She wounded him and moved on to the next one coming her way.

She looked around, making sure Sencer was okay but also looked to see if Melik Tapar was fine as well.

Sencer's mom was very dear to her; she was the one who stood beside her as Aiyla cried on her mother's grave. She comforted Aiyla when she was lonely and gave her advice when she was torn about a particular decision that she needed to make. In reality, if Başulu Ana had not been there for the last couple of years, then Aiyla would not be here today, standing. She felt the need to protect whatever is precious to Başulu Hatun, just like Başulu Hatun had protected her these last couple of years from the nightmares that haunted her.

She took out her dagger and used it with her left hand as she swung her sword around and hit her attacker on his back, making him scream in pain while falling.

Aiyla looked around, happy that the fight was over.

Though she barely wanted to glance at her weapons, for they were covered with blood.

Elçin Hatun put her hand on Aiyla's shoulder, smiling at her softly, "It's okay, you did what you needed to do." She told her calmly.

Aiyla smiled at her and nodded as a way of thanking her for trying to comfort her.

Melik Tapar glanced at Aiyla, checking to see if she was okay. He then looked around and saw Sencer approaching them.

"None of them are alive. How are we going to provide proof on who attacked us?" Aiyla questioned Sencer and Melik Tapar.

"It is already clear that her soldiers did it." Melik Tapar yelled out towards Elçin Hatun.

"I don't think that's entirely the case. There is something more to it, and even so, Elçin Hatun is innocent of this. She would have attacked us separately, but why allow an attack that would endanger her as well." Aiyla argued.

Elçin was surprised to see the young girl coming to her defense and smiled at her, for she honestly did not plan this attack.

Melik Tapar came close to Aiyla, most likely annoyed that she was defending the opposite side of this issue rather than siding with them.

Sencer went closer to Aiyla and his brother in case another problem were to arise.

But Sencer got near them both in time to only to see Aiyla's eyes open wide with worry as she pushed Melik Tapar to the ground and got hit by the arrow intended for him.

It all happened so quick, it was as if time had froze. 

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