Chapter 89

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After thinking about the matter, Omar Khayyam decided to go to the palace, he bumped into Hazan Hatun as he was walking in one of the hallways, "Is everything okay, Khayyam?"

"Hazan Hatun, I came across something, but I'm not sure what to do..."

"What's troubling you?"

"After all these years, the name Aysun was brought up in a conversation..."

Hazan was shocked, it's been so long since she saw Aysun or heard anything about her.

It's been so many years since she bid farewell to one of her dearest people she had met in her life.

"Aysun Hatun, after all this time? She's back?" Hazan spoke with so much hope.

"Aysun Hatun has passed away, May Allah have mercy on her soul." He spoke while looking down.

"Impossible...Aysun can't be dead." Hazan shook her head in denial.

"Aysun öldü mü?" Nizamülmülk asked out of nowhere, he startled both of them as he got close.

Omar Khayyam looked around, "Let's go to a private room, so we could talk."

Nizamülmülk nodded leading them to a private room.

"What happened to her? How did you find news about her?" Nizamülmülk questioned.

Hazan replied, "This is Aysun we are talking about; if she didn't want anyone finding out anything about her, then she is smart enough to stay hidden. Even the greatest people wouldn't have been able to track her down."

Nizamülmülk stared off, thinking of how all of this came at such odd timing with everything that's been happening in the dynasty.

Khayyam gave Nizamülmülk a small bag, "One letter was labeled for me and one to Hazan Hatun. There are many letters that are folded and are in a small pouch. Inside are also some items but it's all labeled to you Nizamülmülk other than the two letters for Hazan and I."

Nizamülmülk was about to look inside the small bag, but was interrupted by the guard who came to tell him that Sultan Meliksah wants his presence.

Hazan was given her letter by Khayyam, "I will take my leave." She spoke softly looking at the letter in her hand.

She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Aysun had passed away.

Khayyam had wanted to tell them that he learned that Aysun was Aiyla Hatun's mother but Hazan left while Nizamülmülk ended up leaving with the guard.

Hazan and Khayyam had their letters with them, as Nizamülmülk looked at the small bag in his hand while walking to where Sultan Meliksah was waiting for him.

"Sultanim, you summoned me."

"Yes, Hace. Come sit down." Sultan Meliksah gestured to the seat across from him.

Nizamülmülk took a seat and put down the bag beside him.

"Is everything well, Sultanim?"

Sultan Meliksah nodded signaling that something was indeed wrong.

"I was told that Aiyla Hatun was innocent...I mean Tapar told me right away, but I thought he was too blinded by her to the point he wasn't able to accept her betrayal, but now Arslantash's brother told me the entire story well at least the part that pertains to Aiyla Hatun when I was alone with him."

Nizamülmülk stood quiet as he listened to Sultan Meliksah.

Sultan Meliksah continued speaking "He kept looking around before speaking up, probably scared someone was eavesdropping, he said that he wanted to at least know that people viewed her in a positive way before he leaves this world. I was confused by the whole confession, but why would a dying man lie? What does he have to gain from lying? He said that all she really wanted was to find her father's grave and how they used it to their advantage."

Sultan Meliksah got up from his seat, "They played a dirty trap and we fell for it, we took an innocent life."

He looked at Nizamülmülk who still remained quiet, "Hace?"

Nizamülmülk looked up, "Forgive me, Sultanim. May I leave? Remembering that night makes me feel ill, but now guilt is mixing with my ill feelings from what you just told me."

"Nizamülmülk, don't be harsh on yourself. Go rest, we will talk about it next time."

Nizamülmülk couldn't utter another word as he got up to leave, he grabbed the small bag in his hand.

As he walked down the hallway, he felt his hand get heavy.

If he complained people would think it's because of the bag he was currently carrying, but he knew the real reason, it was the hand that stabbed an innocent young lady during a dreadful rainy night.

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