Chapter 102

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Aiyla stood on one of the balconies looking down at Terken Hatun, who seemed agitated yet was still talking to her advisor, Tacülmülk.

She smiled to herself; Aiyla knew she got Terken frustrated at the wrong time. She had a feeling that the new Head Hatun won't let Terken act freely. But the moment the doors opened, Aiyla's smile grew wider.

She walked in on her horse with elegance and a shadow of strength; Aiyla knew that whoever she was, Sultan Meliksah had made the perfect decision seeing that Terken seemed out of it ever since this woman entered through the entrance of the palace.

"If Aiyla Hatun is bothering you, then I could erase her from the world." Tacülmülk tried to reason with Terken Hatun, who was busy staring at Zübeyde Hatun.

Terken shook her head slowly, "Leave Aiyla Hatun's case for now; we have a bigger problem." She silently spoke while her gaze was on Zübeyde Hatun.

Terken felt someone staring at her. She looked up to see Aiyla Hatun smirking at her before leaving the balcony.

Aiyla made her way to her room, she was feeling more ill, and Hazan Hatun had yet to return to the palace.

What has happened to her? Maybe, I should ask Omar Khayyam?

She knew Tapar still had not returned, so she decided to ask her father-in-law. Aiyla hoped to find Khayyam at the observatory; she thought he must know where Hazan Hatun is.

Aiyla left to get permission. As she waited to be let in, she thought how long it had been since she visited her mother's grave. She knew she wouldn't be able to visit the grave today, and she'd be lucky if Sultan Meliksah permits her to go to the observatory.

She was finally allowed in, "Sultanim." Aiyla respectively greeted Sultan Meliksah.

"Welcome, Aiyla Hatun. This is my wife, Zübeyde Hatun." He introduced his wife to Aiyla.

Aiyla bowed her head in respect, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zübeyde Hatun." Aiyla spoke happily. She had a feeling that Zübeyde's arrival would make things better for the palace; at least, she hoped that this feeling wouldn't let her down.

Zübeyde Hatun nodded, "Pleasure is all mine, Aiyla Hatun." Zübeyde smiled at Aiyla. Sultan Meliksah had told her that Aiyla is Nizamülmülk's daughter and how he hopes that she will take care of her.

Aiyla smiled, "Sultanim, I would like to go talk to Omar Khayyam about something quickly. I wanted to get our permission to go to the observatory."

Sultan Meliksah nodded, "Do take some guards to accompany you. Do not take long." He told her. He was confused about her request but let it slide. Aiyla nodded, happy with the reply she received. She bowed quickly before leaving Sultan Meliksah and Zübeyde Hatun alone again.

"I still don't understand why her father won't tell her the truth. From what you told me, she fell into a trap just because she wanted to find her father's grave... Isn't this unfair, Sultanim? She lost her mother, and now she isn't aware that she sees her father every day. It's sadder to think that he stabbed her...." Zübeyde muttered softly to the Sultan.

"We will respect Nizamülmülk's decision. Even you, Zübeyde. She's his daughter, and we cannot force him." Sultan Meliksah warned her.

"I can't believe that I promised to keep such a secret." Zübeyde sighed.

"I know why you are defensive. You were friends with Aiyla Hatun's mother."

"Yes, Sultanim. I haven't seen Aysun Sultana in years, and I'm upset to learn she has passed away, but knowing that her daughter married into the family makes me happy. Aiyla Hatun has a positive light shining around her, and she seems to have gotten that from her mother. Though, like anyone else, she will need to prove herself to me. I'm just upset that we need to hide secrets about her family." She spoke up.

"Just worry about guiding the palace to order. It has been in chaos. I trust you fully as Head Hatun."

"Your trust is all I need, Sultanim. I won't let you down." Zübeyde smiled.

Sultanim Meliksah kissed her forehead, "May God bless you." He told her before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, Aiyla was waiting for Khayyam. She got up, "I was waiting for you." Aiyla spoke as Khayyam got closer to where she was waiting.

Khayyam was confused but had seen that palace carriage outside. "Sorry, but do I know you?"

"Maybe? I'm Melik Tapar's wife, Aiyla Hatun. I came to see if you knew anything about where I can find Hazan Hatun." Aiyla told him.

Khayyam smiled, "Aiyla Hatun? I'm glad that you returned safely. Hazan Hatun has left. She's been gone for a couple of days." Ever since he gave Hazan the letter from Aysun, Hazan decided to remain alone for a bit.

Aiyla sighed, "She's okay, right? I mean, nothing happened with her? I know she lost so much, and the Batini want her. I'm just worried about her."

Khayyam understood Aiyla's worries, but he was confused about how she knew Hazan to the point she's worrying like this about her.

Aiyla walked around, panicking. "She wouldn't do something to herself, right? What if the Batini got her?" Aiyla spoke as she walked back and forth.

"God forbid, she just needed a break. She will be back soon."

Aiyla grabbed a paper and some ink; she wrote a quick letter. Khayyam realized the handwriting but looked away. Sibel's handwriting, or who he thought was Sibel, made things more clear to him, especially the connection between Hazan and Aiyla.

She folded the letter, "The tone of your words indicate that you know where she is, but you won't tell me. I understand, but I would appreciate that this letter gets to her." Aiyla told him as she gave him the letter.

The carriage ride back to the palace was quite boring, Maryam usually kept Aiyla company, but Aiyla was feeling alone again. Tapar never sits still in the palace, and she really couldn't talk to anyone else when he wasn't around. No one seemed to like her enough, well, at least not enough to sit down and talk to her.

As soon as she arrived in the palace, she went to wait for Zübeyde Hatun's first entry as Head Hatun. Aiyla arrived to see everyone there already, waiting for Zübeyde Hatun. 

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