Chapter 18

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Aiyla was disappointed, this was not what she had thought would occur. She had prayed for a good marriage. Was Allah testing her patience? Was this a test to see Aiyla's faith? Aiyla's head was pounding as she looked to see Melik Tapar continuing to talk to her.

"We will stay married until Gehver Hatun gets pregnant and gives birth. No one will know of this at all except Allah. If you decide to stay, then I do not mind you remaining in the palace but do not accept an actual marriage to bloom between us. You will remain respected and taken care of until the very end, if your decision is to stay. If you decide to leave then I will make sure that you are taken care of, wherever you wish to reside." He spoke swifty.

Aiyla laughed, "I admire your love for your wife but you could of told me even in a stupid letter prior to the ceremony." She spoke frustrated.

"I couldn't risk anyone finding out." He replied.

Aiyla was frustrated but had to think of something quickly. Should she ask for a divorce on the night of her wedding? But that would bring unwanted rumors upon herself. Society would eat her alive with merciless rumors.

"I'm going to go make wudu and pray." Aiyla looked at Melik Tapar before she went down the mini hall in "their" room, to find a door that led to the private washroom.

Aiyla was thankful that it was located here. She went inside and locked the doors, she finally took her veil off her face, the veil her husband was supposed to lift up.

She cried silently as she removed her makeup and did wudu.

Melik Tapar stared at the flowers displayed on the table, Aiyla had just finished praying.

She looked at him, "Tamam, I agree on your rules and leave when your wife gives birth, InshAllah. Also, this will remain between us until the end. I give you my word."

"Thank you, Aiyla Hatun. I give you my word as well." He told her.

"I don't need your word, I just need you to leave me alone whenever we are alone." She spoke sternly.

"Tamam, as you wish. I will sleep in the seating area here while you sleep on the bed."

"Of course, very well." Aiyla went to grab the scarf Sencer's mother gifted her so she can wear it to sleep.

She went back to the washroom to put on and take off the scarf she used for praying. Aiyla had prayed so that Allah would give her much needed comfort. After praying, her mind cleared up and allowed her to decide on what to do.

At the end, she decided to stay. It would be better to remain than to leave.

She got back to the bed and tried drifting to sleep, hoping that it was all just a huge misunderstanding. She peaked to see Tapar facing the window curtains, probably already asleep.

Aiyla drifted to sleep, hoping that it would numb the pain within her.

Author's Note
Thanks to those who have taken the chance to check out this book! Much appreciated! Thanks for the reads, votes, and the comments!
I have been scramming to submit papers and get exams done which is the reason for not updating in a while. But I'm back now!! School is such a nightmare at times...
To end this note, I would like you all to keep the oppressed in your prayers. No matter your race, religion, gender, and etc.......if you are a decent human then please keep Palestine in your prayers as well.
Okay, farewell until my next mini rant!
Votes are appreciated!
Comments are loved so please comment your thoughts or literally anything!

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