Chapter 96

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Aiyla touched Maryam's forehead; she had remained unconscious since they arrived at the tribe.

"Is she okay, Aiyla?" Başulu asked as she walked inside the room.

"Yeah, but she's still unconscious. In a way, it's all my fault." Aiyla spoke looking down to the floor.

Başulu shook her head, "It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for things that were out of your control, Aiyla."

"You're right, but I still feel guilty."

"You are not alone. You have us, everyone that loves you. Don't let guilt consume you too much." Başulu told Aiyla.

Aiyla nodded, she smiled at Maryam before getting up. Başulu Hatun and Aiyla heard some commotion coming from outside, so they went to see what was happening.

Başulu ran out before Aiyla, she saw that Melik Tapar arrived at the tribe. She felt joyful upon seeing Tapar, but she noticed how Sencer was standing in front of Tapar.

"Sencer come inside! Melik Tapar, please come in." Başulu addressed her sons.

"Tapar." Aiyla muttered to herself once she made it outside.

She was happy to see her husband, but knew he was probably furious about her leaving the safe house. Aiyla glanced to see Tapar and Sencer following Başulu Hatun towards the tent. Aiyla talked to Sencer earlier, she told him everything she told Tapar. She told Sencer not to tell Başulu Hatun about the truth he discovered, he agreed much to his dismay and promised that Bozkuş won't tell anyone either.

Tapar didn't even spare Aiyla a glance, he was furious and shocked with Sencer's bitter behavior towards him.

"Melik Tapar, let me get you something to drink." Başulu Hatun spoke gently.

"No need, thanks for offering though. I came to take my wife with me, but Sencer doesn't seem pleased with the idea." Tapar spoke straightforwardly.

Başulu sighed, she now understood everything. She smiled, "I consider you like my own son, as I told you many times, you are always welcome here. If Aiyla wants to go with you, then you may take her. On the other hand, if Aiyla wants to remain here, then she'll stay here as long as she wants. So, I ask you to respect whatever she decides."

Aiyla had been thinking about her decision the moment she saw her husband. She thought about everything bad that happened to her and the pain she had to endure.

"No." Sencer spoke up, not letting Tapar speak a word.

Sencer looked at Tapar for a moment, "I won't let her go back there. She's your wife, you were entrusted to protect her and care for her. I won't let her return to a place that only caused her pain." Sencer yelled in frustration.

"Sencer! Watch your voice." His mother spoke sternly.

Tapar cleared his throat, "I believe that my wife can decide on her own. Who are you to make decisions for her? Stay out of it Sencer."

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