Chapter 30

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Tapar looked straight at Aiyla, who did not even look mad.

"It's true. I want to go back to the place I miss, my home tribe, because this palace has only given me pain and made me feel more lonely." Aiyla was done keeping her real thoughts and emotions hidden.

She continued, "There are only two people that are still living right now whom I purely love, and Sencer is one of them. Sencer cares for me out of pure selfless love, while you only care for me out of selfishness for your reputation to remain spotless. I understand the need to keep your reputation spotless but why should I pay the price? By the way, Sencer has always been there for me during most of my hardships and joyful moments; he never made me feel like a burden, unlike you." She let a tear run down her face as she wiped it away quickly.

Ya Allah, she thought to herself, why am I letting my tears show?

Tapar remained quiet, trying to process Aiyla's words.

"I need to leave the palace. If I stay longer than this, then I won't make it. I'll die slowly and painfully. I'm drowning in depression. You deem yourself righteous but have you been fair to me?"

Aiyla lifted both of her hands to show him, "See these hands, they were the ones that lifted my wedding veil, the veil my husband was supposed to lift. The day that many ladies beautifully dream about has become my unforgettable nightmare. You shattered my dream for your interests and concerns. You didn't think about me? My reputation in society will leave me suffocated by endless rumors. You are a man; they will not bother with your flaws, but my every flaw will be spread out like a fire because I am a woman."

Aiyla kept going as this was her only chance.

"You don't care about me. You never will, and I understand that you are telling me to remain in the palace and how I will be respected to the very end, but how can you promise such things? What if I wanted to bear a child one day? People will assume that I am incapable of conceiving."

Aiyla started to let down more tears now, "You never thought about how I would feel to see you and your wife surrounded by your children while I will remain all lonely. Even if I had chosen to leave during our wedding night, people would never let me live in peace, and you should've known better."

She closed her eyes, trying to get her breathing under control.

"So, please let me leave." Aiyla spoke in a whisper; all the yelling had tired her out.

She walked away to get ready for bed without bothering to hear his reply.

Tapar just stood in place, more surprised rather than furious now by Aiyla's outburst.

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