Chapter 29

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Aiyla was singing to herself as she brushed her hair only to be startled by Melik Tapar opening the door unexpectedly.

He was serious about staying in her room, and Aiyla had not bothered to question him further about it.

"Sorry but you took a long time to get ready." He told her while looking away from her, staring at the table across the room.

"It has not been even a half an hour since I told you to leave," Aiyla spoke out.

"I just don't understand why I couldn't have just stayed on the balcony until you finished getting ready," Tapar questioned, annoyed.

"The reason is that I wanted you to be out of the room as much as possible, I prefer to avoid anything or anyone that triggers my headaches, and you are someone who loves giving me headaches. Are you happy that you know now?" Aiyla said sarcastically.

"I'm the idiot that even asked someone crazy like you. But hurry up, dinner will be starting soon, and we are still here."

Aiyla rolled her eyes as she placed her headdress on.

"I'm ready. Are you happy now, Your Highness?" Aiyla spoke as they left for the dining hall.

Aiyla had sat next to Tapar, and Gevher Hatun was just staring at her the entire time.

It was times like this that Aiyla wanted the earth to split into half and swallow her.

As everyone was eating, Ebulkasim requested Elçin Hatun's hand in marriage from Sultan Meliksah.

Aiyla had wanted to choke on the water she was drinking when she heard the proposal, especially because she already knew Elçin's answer.

She put down her cup as she watched the scene unfold before her.

Later on, Aiyla was walking beside Tapar until they reached the room. Aiyla sensed that Tapar was not too fond of Ebulkasim but kept her thoughts to herself.

When they were finally inside the room, Aiyla spoke up, "You do know that I am better now."

"Well, you don't seem like it," Tapar spoke back to her.

"What do you mean? I'm standing before you right now." She yelled back.

"You don't eat well, only a couple of bites, and you just drink water. Now every time you are in the washroom, I worry that something will happen. I can't afford my reputation to be tainted. In the end, people know you as a hatun who married me." Tapar spoke furiously.

"That's all you care about, your damn reputation. For your information, people know me as a hatun from the brave Kinik Tribe." Aiyla spoke, obviously upset.

"Of course, the same tribe in which you must miss Aiyla Hatun. I can't imagine holding Sencer's mirror that he gifted you and rereading his letter is doing much justice for you; you instead are constantly arguing with me so you can go back to the tribe where you could continuously see him." Tapar yelled at Aiyla.

He had opened his mouth to continue speaking but was interrupted by Aiyla slapping him across the face.

He was beyond furious at this moment.

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